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To the people who might come across my story and read it;

First of, I'm not really that of a writer. It's my first time writing a story. I just wanted to put out stories going on my mind.

About writing, I have yet to know what to do or what's not. So please, don't expect too much.

And, english isn't my native language. So if I have grammatical or whatsoever errors, I would gladly accept corrections. If not, it's okay as well.

While you are reading, I will be so glad to recieve feedbacks from you guys so please help me a lot to improve.

!!**WARNING: This story contains violence and should not be, in any way, followed or imitated by anyone, in anywhere.

!!**Please also note: The main characters used represents real people BUT NOT in any way related to the story, the settings and others. The story line is purely imaginary and did not truly (and hopely in the future won't) happen.

!!**The whole story flow is my work so please DO NOT copy or grab anything within this book.


-from the future, Jade

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