Niall: i found a good pickup line

Harry: Hmm, should I trust you?

Niall: prob not

Harry: Sigh, go ahead.

Niall: my mom told me to take out the trash

Harry: Please don't.

Niall: so when r u free

Harry: Your pickup lines suck.

Niall: suck my dick

Harry: What?

Niall: i should be gettin ready bye

Harry sighed and closed his laptop, rubbing his hand over his face. He was already at school, so he decided to finish putting up the art projects the kids made. He went to grab the papers but accidentally knocked the whole pile off his desk. Swearing, he bent down to pick them up.

"Fuck!" He shouted out when he hit his head on the desk. He groaned and flopped onto the ground, holding his head in pain. Sighing, he spread his limbs out like a starfish and stared at the ceiling. He had put up the entire alphabet in giant letters on the ceiling when he first started his job four years ago.

After a while, he stood up and gathered the projects. He went to put them back on the desk but saw a yellow piece of paper with the name "Theo" sloppily written on the corner. He set everything down next to it and picked up the paper, sitting down in his chair afterwards.

Harry smiled softly, looking at Niall's signature at the bottom of the page. He rubbed his thumb over the words before setting it down and getting back to work.


"Oh my- Harry!" Niall had been the first person to drop off their kid that day and walked in to see a small amount of dried blood dripping down from a cut on Harry's forehead.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, standing up quickly.

"You're bleeding! Dammit, wait here, Theo." Niall quickly went to the bathroom that was connected to the classroom and came out with a damp paper towel. He cleaned up the blood and then went through Harry's drawers until he found a band aid.

"What did you do to your head?"

"I, uh.. Hit my head on the desk." Harry coughed awkwardly and rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Fucking clumsy ass frog," Niall muttered, quiet enough that Theo wouldn't hear it. Harry pouted and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I'll see ya later buddy, yeah?" Niall asked Theo, ruffling his hair when he nodded. "Try not to hit your head on anything else, frog."

"Hey! Rude.." Harry scoffed.


Unknown Number: why did u put ur number on facebook frog

Unknown Number: idiot

It was recess, so Harry was able to respond.

Harry: Hello, Niall.

Niall: hey

Harry: Don't you have a job?

Niall: dont need one

Harry: Why not?

Niall: i hav friends

Niall: wanna sext

Harry: What??

Niall: *picture message*

Harry: What the fuck??

Harry: I'm working what the hell are you trying to do?

Harry set his phone down, trying as hard as possible to avoid getting a boner.

Niall: ohh the frog swore

Niall: bad boy

Harry: I have to go.

Niall: no daddy dont leave me

Harry: Bye.


Yayy field trip tomorrow

Eat one more slice of pizza than you usually do

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