Maybe Not A Mistake. . .

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Chapter dedicated to @olympianjuniper . Hope you like it!


You sat on your bed reading a book, eyes scanning the pages lost in the magical world each word possessed. As you smiled to yourself the cabin door burst open and Annabeth ran in breathing heavily. You jumped just when the blonde bent over, hands on her knees panting and gasping for breath.

"(Y/n)! It's Leo. . .he's back with. . . Calypso. Oh gods air." She straightened and sucked in a huge gulp of oxygen while you sat shocked. When had Leo even left? You just saw him yesterday, smiling and laughing, but now he was back with someone named Calypso?

"Who's that?" You asked and Annabeth's storm gray eyes widened.

"You. . .Leo didn't tell you about her?"

You shook your head and she scratched the back of her neck. "Well, you might as well come see." She ushered you out of the cabin and you followed in confusion. Calypso was a her?

Annabeth led you to the edge of Long Island Sound where Festus was standing, his teeth whirring and clicking sounds emanating from his throat. You raised an eyebrow nearing to see Leo standing next to the metal dragon. . .holding hands with someone. As you got closer you saw it was a beautiful girl, her hair soft and silky, a golden cinnamon color. The girls eyes were like melted caramel, warm and sparkling in the sunlight. Her skin was flawless, it shone like fresh cream without a blemish to be seen.

A stabbing pain hit your heart as the girl leaned over and kissed Leo, but the worst part was, he kissed back. But, you thought he liked you. Granted Leo flirted with almost every girl but, he mostly did it around you, and you both shared your pain with each other. You had such a close friendship, you thought you could trust him with anything. And. . .you loved him.

"(Y/n)!" Leo called waving you over and grinning. You swallowed hard holding back the tears and put on your best fake smile walking over to the pair, the girl holding onto Leo's arm smiling.

"I'm so glad you're here! I want you to meet someone, (y/n), this is Calypso," the Latino gestured to the cinnamon haired girl and she held out her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n), Leo talked about you constantly while on the way back here," Calypso laughed and the son of Hephaestus blushed.

You smiled a little and shook her hand, "Yeah, Leo's definitely a little chatter box."

"Oh I know," the beautiful girl laughed, her smile almost blindingly white. The smile was still across your lips, yet inside your heart was slowly cracking and breaking.

"We'll see you later (y/n), I promised Calypso I would show her around camp." Leo said and you nodded.

"Okay," was all you could muster and the pair walked off, hand in hand, Leo taking your heart with him.

•~•~•~(A Few Days Later)~•~•~•

Your phone buzzed as you made your way to the archery range, Leo lighting up on your home screen. A little surprised you opened up your messages, he hadn't talked to you in days.

Leo: Hey can you come to Bunker 9? I gotta work on something but I need help -3-

You: Yeah sure :)


Chuckling to yourself you put away the phone and headed to the bunker, setting aside your bow for later on. Once making it to the bunker you knocked on the door and Leo answered, a huge smile on his face.

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