Chapter one ↠

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I look up from my phone to see a tall brown haired boy, around my age, standing next to me in the queue. I have been standing in this line for what seems like forever, trying to get my early-morning shot of coffee. Clearly this man is trying to weasel his way in front of me. I need my coffee stat and I'll be damned if I let him steal my spot especially when I'm so close to the front of the line.

"If you're trying to steal my spot it the queue it's not working" I declare, crinkling my eyes and giving him the best evil stare I can manage. He laughs, shoving his hands in his pocket and rocking back and forth casually. 

"I am not trying to steal your spot." And as I glare fixedly at him, his eyes fall on my phone and he leans over trying to read the article I had been skimming through. 

"What are you looking at?" The boy asks, leaning over to read the title of the article I'm skimming. but I prevented him from doing so by uncomfortably backing away and stuffing my phone in my pocket. He smiled at me sheepishly, despite that. 

"I'm not trying to steal your spot, I'm trying to get to know you." 

I feel rather un-comfortable by this comment, and turn my back to him in attempt to ignore him. But I know it won't work. This boy seems persistent, and I won't be able to ignore him for the entire time I'm  standing in this huge queue. 

"I'm Ben." He introduces himself and I know my plan is not working.

He is persistent and I cannot exactly shoo him away like the pest he is, so I reply as rudely as I possibly can: "I don't care."

"Oh come on." He sighs stepping in front of me, entering my line of vision. There he goes again violating my personal space. "I'm just trying to be friendly."

Oh gosh. All I had wanted was to come to this coffee shop and grab a steaming cup of cappuccino coffee to help me through another day at work. But here this man stands, probably not intending to, but steadily creeping me out. Although he is a bit attractive, I couldn't care less about interacting with him.

"At least tell me your name?" He pleaded, pulling the best smile he could master. 

I stop to think for a minute. What are the chances of running into him again after today? Not unless I bump into him at the coffee shop. Maybe if I just go to a different shop for now on I'll never have to see his pretty face again. So what harm would it cause me if I just gave him my name? Besides, he seems completely harmless, and he had already given his name. 

"Amanda, my name is Amanda" I sigh before stepping up to the counter and ordering my drink. I don't stop to look at him as I leave, but I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck as I walked away. 

And I could've swore I heard the words "Bye Amanda" as I left.


Finally releasing a new book! Yay! Thank you guys so much for all your support on my last book, 'Trust me' it meant the world to me! I'll be writing this book over the summer holidays so I'm super excited! It's going to be a short story romance. I think the blurb of the books says it all so I'm not going to explain it. I'll be publishing every Thursday and Monday! Love you guys heaps and hope you enjoy it :) The chapters are short because it's a short story by the way :)

Thanks heaps guys!


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