How You Meet

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(You are 12/13 in this, *except for Kakashi, you can be any age you want in that.* enjoy!)
(Oh, also, I'm aware that the timelines in the book are stuffed up but trust me, just go with it :D)


While walking down the peaceful streets of Konoha, you spot Ichiraku Ramen and immediately your stomach grumbles loudly. You listen to your body and take a seat inside.

"Aah, Y/N! One second, I'll be right back." Old man Teuchi says. You nod in response and patiently wait. He grabs a bunch of boxes to take to the trash bin outside, when he is suddenly knocked off his feet by a boy your age.

"Are you okay!?" You rush to his side and help him pick up what he dropped. You take a moment to look at the blonde boy that ran into him. Hmm, he's cute. After a second of silence, he dramatically screams out:


To your amusement he realises you are staring at him and blushes under your gaze. Before you can say anything he spins around on his heel.

"Naruto!" The old man yells as he watches blondie run off without helping or even apologising. Naruto shoots him a big grin before continuing to sprint. After that you couldn't get Naruto's cheesy smile out of your head.


You double over onto the training grounds from exhaustion. Who knew trying to learn the Uchiha's famous Fire Ball Jutsu would wear you out so much? You hear a shuffling sound come from a bush near by and immediately jump off the floor and into a fighting stance.

"Who's there!?" You call out but nobody answers. Instead, the even more famous Sasuke Uchiha steps out from the bush with an amused smirk on his face. You drop your guard.

"Oh, it's just you." You respond plainly. He raises an eyebrow at you.

"Just me?" He asks. It's obvious that he's surprised you aren't fan girling over him. You've never spoken to him
before, just seen him around the academy. Instead of responding to his cocky comment, you shoot him a smile.

"You're not as bad as I thought you would be." He says and shoves his hands in his pockets before walking off. That was weird, you think to yourself.


As you quietly make your way to the, what you hoped to be, empty training grounds, you stare at the beautiful nature around you in awe.

"Y/N!?" You hear someone call out your name. You look up to be greeted by your favourite green, weird, eyebrow crazy friend.

"Oh, hi Lee!" You exclaim and smile at your friend.

"Where are you off to on this fine day?" He asks.

"The training grounds... To train." You say with a light laugh.

To your surprise he drags you along with him, talking non stop about you meeting his sensei and comrades. After a while you zoned out.

"Y/N, these are my teammates. Neji and Tenten." The boy that Lee was telling you about moments ago seems completely uninterested.

"Hi there." You say and smile. The girl waves at you where as the long haired, lavender eyed Hyuga completely ignores your existence. Nice way to start a friendship right?

"Don't mind him, he's always like this." Tenten reassuringly says regarding Neji's somewhat hostile behaviour.

Upon hearing his name, Neji finally looks at your face and at first you see what looks like shock, but then he returns to his emotionless manner.

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