Chapter 25: #WTF (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"I want to change my classes."

She stared at me like if I was making the worst decision of my life.


"For what reasons?" She rose an eyebrow and started to scribble in a notebook.

"Personal." I stared at the clock above me.

"Very well then which classes do you want to change?"

"Tech theater, Pre-Ap classes to normal, and I want anything random to replace those classes."


I was so desperate to change all my classes. One for I was disappointed on Joe for not recognizing me and two for I didn't want any classes with him. I wanted to run and disappear. More invisible than what I was already.


"Very well Danielle with some switching and changing plus sacrificing an elective you start now." The counselor lady smiled.



 I hurriedly walked down the hallways to my new second period class. The only noise making were the squeaks of my Converse. I was starting to slightly sweat realizing fear taking over me.

What if I know nobody or worse I don't get the class.

So they took me out of art class to put me in principle of hospitality. How bad can it get?


With each step I was closer to my new class. I slowly made myself head to the door and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice called from inside.

I slowly turned the doorknob to have all eyes on me. Different eyes stared at me as I made my way inside. I was so nervous that for a minute there I was blinded and had no clue what I was doing here.

"Late or new?" The teacher smiled from the front of the room. "I don't think I have you in my roll."

"I just got my schedule changed." My voice came out as a whisper.

"Very well welcome to my class." She made a hand gesture for me to take a seat.

I stared around me taking quick glances till my eyes landing on Merlyn.

"Danielle?" She couldn't believe me. There was excitement as she gesture me to take my seat quickly next to her. I quickly walked to her table and took my seat. She was smiling at me like a goof making me feel relief.

"We have a class!" She whispered rather so loudly.

"And I didn't know." I smiled back knowing at least my change wasn't all that bad.



I was walking down the hallways to my last class when I felt someone grab me by the arm, yanking me backwards. The person quickly spun me around till I was face to face.


I dropped my books as he pulled me in for a hug letting me let go of my breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Danielle where have you been? I missed you." He whispered in my ear.

"Here?" I nervously smiled taken by surprise at his sudden appearance.

"Why didn't you text me when you came back? I was worried sick for you." He narrowed his eyes at me, still not letting me go.

"I was busy." I got away from his arms and gave my back to him. "Besides you were busy yourself. Weren't you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Never mind." I turned back. "You probably mistaken me for someone else." I frowned and started to stomp my way to my last class.

"What are you talking about? Of course I know you." He grabbed me again from the arm making me spin back to face him. "What's all this about?"

"It's about her isn't?" I couldn't help but remember my nightmare I had back in my country.

"What the hell? Who?"

"The mooing girl. I knew she was real...I'm too late."

"What the fuck?"

I pulled away from him and tried to runaway but he quickly reflexed and grabbed me once again by the arm.

"Danielle calm down. Tell me. Are you feeling okay? Is something wrong?" There was worry on his face now. I took a step back realizing I was being stupid for no reason and panicking for nothing. I felt my face go red knowing I must have looked like a crazy girl overreacting when I should be excited.

"I'm sorry. I missed you." I latched my arms around his neck feeling his chest against mine. For the first time I actually had contact with him without flinching back. He hugged me back like his life depended on it.

The bell suddenly rang making me jump back and run to my class without hearing a word from him. I was so nervous I had no clue what I was doing. I ran to class disappearing myself from him. I was excited to see him but I felt different all of a sudden. I felt like something was missing. I pulled out my journal as my chemistry teacher started to introduce himself to the class.

'I want to go back. Over there at my country at felt like someone else. Special. The people over there and my family loved me making me feel like a famous person or an idol. Back here in school I feel like a freak. I walk by and people don't see me as beautiful nor ugly. Like always I'm invisible. An invisible freaky, shy, nerd girl. I don't blame people for seeing me like that though. I see what they see. Just me. Yet I wonder why he still loves me. I don't deserve this magical feeling.'


I shut my book quick as my chemistry pointed at me.

"What's your name?" He asked.


All eyes were on me.

"Well lets see here..." He pulled out the seating chart and smiled warmly at me.

"Vanilla welcome to my class."

I mentally slapped myself as the teacher mispronounced my name. I mean Yesh  how hard can it be to say Danielle? What a great first day of school.









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