Chapter Thirty One

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"Getting up could've been so much easier, you know." I looked up to see Francesca snarling by the doorway with a bag of chips in her hand, giving me a look that read "Obviously, Stupid". I sat up, dumbfounded to see my best friend here at this very moment.

"I know, I know, I'm dumb, but I was just about to call you... Wait, what the heck?" I took a second to process this whole scenario while Francesca just stood by the doorway, not moving a single step, cramming a handful of chips into her mouth.

"Who let you in? No one's downstairs anymore." I questioned.

"Myself." She shoved her hand in the bag before bringing it back to her mouth again.


"Hidden keys on the window." Well, I guess they're not so hidden anymore. But I told her about them, so I guess they still are hidden. Unless a robber or a serial killer overheard us, then consider me dead. But that's the least of my worries right now.

"Where'd you get the chips, Miss?" I asked as she sat on the floor next to me.

"The pantry." She smiled at me, half mockingly and half genuinely happy because she was holding her glorified sack of fried potatoes. If only she wasn't my best friend, I gave a mental sigh, I'd charge her for food robbery.

"Can I have some?" I opened my palms, expecting to get a handful of goodness poured on to them. But, instead, all I got was a hyena laugh.

"Nope." She laughed, but not before plopping five more chips in her mouth. I gave her a death glare and flicked her in the arm, sending the chip in her hand flying to the floor. Francesca winced like she was in a great deal of pain, not because of the flick but because her beloved chip. She let out a fake sobbing noise and picked up the chip, cradling it in her palms.

"Rest in peace, little chip. You'll surely be missed." She wiggled her index finger at it like it was a baby. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her idiocy, placing my phone carefully back on the floor and grabbing the garbage from under my vanity. Crawling back from the other side of the room, I held the can out for her to throw it in, which she did remorsefully. One of my arms put the garbage can down next to me and the other was around Francesca's shoulder as a way of condolence. When she seemed to be relaxed, I swiftly grabbed the can and threw it in front of her eyes for her to see her lonesome chip.

"Ha," I honked in her face, "That's what you get for being rude." Sticking my tongue out, I waved the can around like I was a Vegas show girl carrying around a board. Giving me another one of her demonic death glares, she snatched the garbage from me and walked over to put it back to its rightful spot. I laughed vengefully as she slowly walked back down to her seat, flicking my shoulder in the process.

"Ugh, okay, back to business," Francesca reclaimed her hefty bag and rested the back of her head on the nightstand. "What did you need to call me about?"

"It's about Ricky..." I sighed, letting my head fall to the side of my bed as I knew this was going to be a long and deep conversation. She snarled and turned her head to me in amusement.

"If this is about know, "sexual habits" if you may call them that," She makes a gagging noise for emphasis, "We made the doctors check him for STD's and he's clean. Although, I wouldn't suggest you try and test their results. We don't know where he's been."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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