"I know, but they deserve it, they help me with you a lot, not that you are hard to handle, it's just I worry and they help informing me about you and introducing werewolves without making it obvious. Besides get used to it, I plan on spoiling your ass rotten."

"Mason I am no Queen, I am-"

"Yes you are, in my eyes, and you really are, remember I'm the Alpha prince and when the thrown gets handed over to me I become King and you become Queen. So stop saying that about yourself." I look at her thru the mirror while tying my tie. I'm mad, because she always says that. She deserves more than the world.

"Sorry," she says timidly, I sigh and walk towards her. I stand her up and pull her into my embrace. Taking a big lung full of her scent before I speak.

"Don't be sorry, you will just have to get used to us having a lot of money,"


"You are my mate aren't you?" I say smiling.

She pecks my cheeks and then my lips. I think she is getting used to me and what we have.

"Get used to people calling you Luna or Queen now, oh also bowing,"

"Really Mason? Who did you tell?"

"The whole pack, which consist of a lot of people."

"By the way, we will be moving to my home in Oklahoma."

"Whoa, wait, No, I can't my job, my friends, I can't do that."

"I already talked to them, they will have a place for you at the hospital there, you will be able to do the exact same thing plus more. Your friends are you guardians, so they go wherever you go, just like Steve, he is always watching you, you might not know it, the only time he isn't is when I am with you and then he is just scooping out for anything that is out of place that is in a 15 mile radius of us."

"Does he have a family?"

"Yes, but he prefers to look after you, his wife and kids even like him-"

"I need four bodyguards." She interrupts me, I don't like to be interrupted, but I'll tell her later.


"Because, he needs to be able to go home to his wife and kids, so Steve can be with me for two days, then bodyguard number 2 for two days, then bodyguard number three for two days, then bodyguard number 4 for two days. That way each have 6 days  to spend with their family at home. During those days they can train and do whatever you need them to do, when we have special occasions allow two to guard, or just have two to guard me at all times. Just let them go home to their families," She pleaded.

It actually isn't that bad of an idea, and since she is about to be Queen she should have at least two maybe three or four on her at all times. The rotations need to be organized for instance: what time will they switch, how will they switch, but that could be up for later discussion. But it is a good idea because Steve doesn't get to train because he is always watching her or me. So this will give him time to learn new techniques and some other things like first aid and shit.

"Okay." I said agreeing.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," I confirm with her, usually she has to plead her case with me but this one no, it's pretty good.

"Thank you, you are the best." She hugged me, while I am still trying to fix this tie.

"It will still take a couple of days to get it set up, because I have to interview and have a class and all that other stuff, though it will happen. Shit."

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