Twin Sandwich

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Delilah's POV

"I think I'm going to be sick" I slur before running down the hall. I open the first door I see, and much to my surprise it's actually the loo.

I sink to my knees and throw my guts up. I keep throwing up as if I ate a whole MacDonald's storage. Only a minute later I feel someone collecting my hair and holding it. A soft large hand rubbing my back gently as I continue to throw up.

I stop throwing up and start coughing. I turn my head to the side and see its Louis who's holding my hair back. I give him an attempt of a smile- which was obviously a catastrophic disaster.

I feel another wave of nausea hit me so I scramble to turn my head to the toilet again.

"Shhh, shhh" Louis soothes me, his hand never stopping rubbing my back.

After a couple of minutes I stop throwing up and just hang limply. I flush my disgusting vile down the sewer system and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Come here love" Louis puts his arms around my waist so my back is pressed against his chest and stands up. My head kind of falls down from how drained of energy I am. I'm short and light so it's easy to treat me like a puppet.

He presses me against the sink counter and turns on the sink. He cups his hand and puts it under the stream of water then makes me lean a bit. He brings it up to my face and I take it in my mouth.

Louis helps me wash my mouth and then picks me up bridal style. We settle back down on the couch and get comfy. I lay snuggled up to his chest in between his legs- and no I do not like Louis like that.

"It's okay" He whispers running his hand through my hair. He starts playing with it, all in all just calming me down.

How the fucking hell did he know I was lying? Maybe the other four boys are too guidable. Well, Niall definitely is. Harry was too mad to even process me lying, same as Liam. But Zayn? Zayn was the most calmed one except from Louis. He probably shrugged it off or something.

"How did you know?" I whisper, not daring to look at his blue green eyes.

"Delilah, you have bruises covering your legs. How the others didn't notice is beyond me" Louis tells me.

I look down at my bare legs and realize he is right. You know when someone grabs your arm really hard? So hard it leaves little bruises the size of their fingertips? Yeah my legs are covered in those. They look like hickeys, I kid you not.

"What really happened?" He repeats his question from earlier.

I start sobbing, Not even sobbing, I just completely break down.

"No, no, no" I curl up in a ball and start rocking back and forth. Head in between my hand covering my ears. Face hidden with my knees. My breathing starts coming faster and faster. My throat killing me.

"It's my fault, I did this" I was such a bad girlfriend. I should've paid more attention to him. Had sex whenever he wanted to. I'm a horrible person.

"I caused this" I can faintly hear Louis in the background desperately trying to calm me down, but it's like he's so far away.

"Oh my god, I'm a monster" I shake my head really fast. Why did I do it? I deserve nothing but the worst. I deserve to die in a Saw movie. A painful death.

"I caused this" I repeat shaking ever harder "I deserve to die. It's my fault he went crazy. I made him do it. I don't know. I, it was me. Don't blame him. Why did I do it? I don't deserve this"

How dare I say I don't deserve this? Yes I do. I'm a worthless piece of shit. I'll tell you what I don't deserve. I don't deserve this boys' kindness, and welcoming and friendship. I'm a slut like Mike said. A lying bitch. No one should trust me. No one should love me. No one should tolerate me. No one should have to deal with me.

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