The Stars Guide The Way

Start from the beginning

Me said. God this is so confusing!! "I'm very confused though. When do the dragons come and who's that?" I say pointing to the sleeping person. "Nori." Me says. She takes off the child's hood to reviel, a little girl with long pink hair like Wendy's, sleeping.

Then it hits me hard. "My child or our in a way child." She nods. "When do I have her?" She smiles. "Very soon" Me states.

I walk over to her. She has rosy pink cheeks. And plump pink lips too. I move some hair out of her face. "I've seen her around the guild and around her. Like a ghost she brought me here tonight and a few nights ago." I said looking down at her.

I all most had tears stream down my face. "Yes, that's the ghost of her. She was taken out of you a few months ago. But you will get to see her soon, and she'll be with you once more." I look up at me. I then remember the night I saw here being taken away from me.

I felt painful and lonely after. "So that's the loneliness I've felt for the past few months. And why Zeref was fighting me. I'm regaining my memories!!" I say as hold my head. My head filled with memories.

"Yes, you are. I know you feel. I went through the same thing. Only a little differently" Me said, as she came up behind me.

Then a thought crossed my mind. "Were you two the one's I saw before I pasted out?" She nodded her head, "Yes, we were able to save you from going into a coma. We were bringing you back to the hotel, until we were attacked by Zeref and a shadow. I was unable to axis my magic since going back in time prevents you form using your magic. And Nori here was in the same state."

She looked down, "We tried our best but in the end you were taken and well I guess you know the rest." I nodded my head. I was told what happened to me.

"Well you need to get back, before Natsu goes crazy." Me said as me took my hand was tooj me out of the cave. I stopped, "Wait! That shadow I was told that a shadow was controlling Sting since I first punched him in the face, and also what are these? i said pointing to the cave walls.

"That was Zeref. The other shadow I believe is controlling Rogue, and those tell the story of Summer. And the words that are coming true. Lucy listen you must protect the future." Me said as me took my hands and held them tight.

"Of course!" I said, and hugged myself. Man it feels werid!! "Okay now go, before Natsu destroys the whole town. Oh and you'll remember everything I promise and don't tell Natsu about this okay?" I nod and run off.

I promise to protect the future!!

A few minutes later

I'm running through the town with a big smile. I saw my child!! I remember everything!! I need to tell Natsu!! I remember us hugging her before she disappeared, and that I forgotten all about Nori. Tears streamed down my face I ran through the streets.

Nori's voice ringing in my ears. "Mommy!!!" I stop in my tracks and turn around to see Nori. Not the Nori from the future. The one that was a ghost. She looked real.

"Nori!!" I yell running to her, as she runs towards me. I finally had her in my arms. I held her tight. "Nori, my baby girl. I've missed you!! I'm so sorry I forgot about you." I said as held her tighter.

"It's okay Mommy. I know you didn't mean too!! But, I'm here now!!" She said. I pulled apart from her to look at her.

"Oh Nori you look just like Natsu. You have his hair, and smile. Oh my baby." I say as feel tears run down my cheeks. 'Don't cry mommy!! I' here now!! I'm here for you and Daddy!!" She says as she dances around.

She looks like angel. Then she came over to me and hugged me. I hugged back. I didn't feel lonely anymore. I felt happy.

"Mommy, please don't be mad at grampa, he was only trying to save you." I looked at her. "How could I be mad when I finally have you back. I do remember what happened but now that you're with me again. I couldn't be mad."

Book Two: Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now