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chapter one
day one


I groan, as the annoying sound wakes me up. I slam my hand down on the alarm and sit up swinging my legs over the bed. I put my head in my hands, for a minute. I take my heads out of my hands and look at the alarm clock. 6:35. Uh, it's to early. I get up and make my bed, after I do my daily things in the bathroom.

After I was done I threw on a grey crop top, and high waisted skinny jeans then slipped on my white vans. I left my hair go down in its natural waves, and sprayed some perfume on. I look in the mirror one last time and smile.

I actually looked decent. I walked over to my nightstand and unplugged my phone from the charger. I put it in my back pocket, then I walked downstairs.

"Hey Bella." My mom says as I appear at the bottom of the stairs. I walk over to her and kiss her in the cheek.

"Good morning, mom." I grab a apple from the table and start to walk towards the front door when I'm stopped by a voice.

"Arabella. Wait can you take me to school today?" My little brother Hayden asks. I turn my head and see him with his backpack on his right shoulder, and his hair all messed up.

'He just woke up' I think myself looking him up and down. He was wearing the clothes he wore to school yesterday.

"Uh. Yeah sure, hurry up." I turn the knob of the front door, and walk outside. I take a bite of my apple and unlock my car. I get in and start the car. Hayden still wasn't in the car.

'It's okay only three more months of school.' I put my head on the steering wheel waiting for Hayden.

I hear the door open and I pick my head up to see Hayden. "Finally." I say and drive out of the driveway.

The ride was silent, only the radio playing softly. Soon I pull in to the school parking lot. I find a open parking space, and park there taking my key out the engine. I then get out of the car not bothering about Hayden.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and look at the time, 7:24. I have eleven minutes until class starts.

I walk inside, and squeeze and push through everybody crowding the halls. I reach my locker and open it up and get out my math books.

As I was getting my things I hear something pound on the back of my locker door. I slowly close it to see, the one and only Cameron Dallas. The player, bleh.

He was leaning against the locker next to mine trying to be cool. News Flash! It's not.

"Hey, you're Arabella right?" He ruffled with his hair a bit.

"Yeah, why?"

"Is it okay if I just want to talk to you? I wanna make some new friends."

"Yeah, okay." I shut my locker close and head to math. Right then the bell rung.

- after school -

I sigh in relieve as the bull ring during my chemistry teachers lecture. I quickly get up my chair scooting behind me. As I walk into the hallways, there was the normal noise. Like always I squeeze through everybody and get to my locker. I grab my things and put them in my backpack.

Once I'm done I see my brother, at my car causally talking to Cameron.

Sorry it's so short, it's 1:45 am and I'm so tired :/ anywoo share, vote and comment please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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