
With that, I walked away. I was fiddling with the promise ring that I put on a chain and wore. I would rather give it back to him in person.

As I was walking to my car, I looked down at the ring.

"My promise is still intact, Dan. I'm going to fix this." I said to myself and got into my car and headed home.

The drive to my house from Dan's wasn't long at all, but because I was upset and crying, it felt like ages.

When I pulled into my driveway, I was surprised to see two Mercedez Benz in the garage.

"Well, looks like we're going to have a little family reunion." I said to myself and rolled my eyes.

I walked into the house and saw my parents sitting at the dinning room table, looking at files of people they're defending. My parents are some of the top lawyers in the U.K. and I respect their hard effort to get to that place, I just wished that they wouldn't bring their work home, but at least their work keeps them out of my hair.

"Hey, guys." I say in a small voice.

Well, I might as well say hello or I'll be scolded for not saying anything.

"Hello, Phillip." My mum said, not looking up from her papers.

My dad hummed after her response. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. I decided to text Dan one last time.

To: Bear^~^<3

I miss you, and I love you more than anything in this world. Please talk to me & let me prove it to you again. I know I probably won't get to call you like we used to to say goodnight, so Goodnight, Bear. I love you so much & I hope you have the sweetest of dreams.<3

I turn my phone off and place it under my pillow. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep forever. It isn't even night time, but I just want this day to be over already. So, I close my eyes and fall into a boring, dull, dreamless sleep.

*Dan's P.O.V.*

"This school is in the top five in the country, Danny, I'm sure you'll love it." My dad said.

I appreciate my dad trying, I really do, it's just, why now? He's had years to reach out to me, so why am I so important to him now? And why is he so focused on sending me to boarding school? There must be something I'm missing here.

"Dan?" My dad asked, pulling me out of thought.

"Yeah?" I answered, but still looking out the window.

"Pastels? Really?"

I knew that was coming.

"Yes. They're simple."

"Mhmm." He scoffed, "And I suppose the flowers are simple too?" He snickered.

I ignored him completely. From what mum told me about him- it's impossible to argue with him.

My dad hasn't been in my life since I was a few months old. He was a biker back then and wanted to explore and couldn't be tied down with a baby. My parents were never married, but they were engaged. They apparently broke the engagement when he started drinking.

He was an insane alcoholic and as if that weren't enough, he's a mean drunk. He came home late one night drunk off of his ass. My mum decided that I was more important than being married. Plus, she didn't want me to grow up with an alcoholic for a father. So, she broke the engagement.

And that, my friends, is how my mum discovered he's an angry drunk. He tried to strike her and kick her, but my mum was quicker due to the fact that she was sober. She ran up the stairs to my room and locked the door. He began banging on the door. Finally he broke in. My mum looked around the room for something to defend herself with. She looked over to my dad's tool box that was sitting on the floor. He was planning on making a changing station. She grabbed the hammer and screw driver and made him back out of the room. He fell down the stairs due to being drunk and left. After that, my mum called the police and had him arrested.

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