Chapter 3

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< Sharon's POV >

This fever is killing me! It's like some stupid ancient curse. A curse that prevented me from going to school.

Wait! Don't get it the wrong way. I hate school. But today is a special day. It's a day both me and Alex were waiting for impatiently. The race.

Alex had many dreams of becoming a gold medalist. Never would she one day stop ranting of how much she loved running.

To me, she's not crazy. She's so damn talented. How do I know? A simple game of catching. She's the one who rarely becomes the catcher or gets caught. Unlike me.

Had it not been because of this curse, I would have been able to see her dash her way to the finishing line just like a lightning bolt!

But sadly, I have to suffer this tremendous torture.

I just hope that Alex made it! But, she would have called me then. She didn't. I just hope that everything was fine...


My phone vibrated loudly which only meant that there's something new! I quickly grabbed my phone and checked my notifications on Instagram.

So many posts? What's up with these people?

My eyeballs literally popped out of my face when I saw the picture that was posted.

It was a picture of Alex on top of Nicia in between the race? Oh shit! This is not good, I really really hope she's okay.

And the worst part was that horrible picture had 198 likes and 200+ comments! What the fuck? Who the hell did this?

Of course. Mandy. The school's most awesome and popular girl. Sarcasm noted.

That stupid bitch did this on purpose to sabotage Alex. What the hell does she want from her?

Does she envy her talent? Awww...then too fucking bad Mandy because she's definitely better than you.

And what's next? Comments. Or to be more specific, the trolls.

The comments made me feel like executing every single human who used their dirty fingers to type on that keyboard of theirs. Such frugality should be allowed, shouldn't it?

They were blaming her? That the race had to come to an abrupt stop? I'm sure Alex will never do such thing. Which human will wanna go against their own goals?

Why the hell are they not  using their brains? Actually, I may also be wrong about this. There could have been some misunderstanding.

Now I know the reason why Alex didn't call me. But I still need an explanation of what happened. I have 2 choices. Just ignore this an and let Alex calm down. Or, I can call her straight away and ask her how she's feeling and give her time to explain what happened to me.

I will choose the second option, because I care about her.

Maybe I should just call her over to my house. Yeah, that would be much better because I don't think her house will be a suitable place to meet up because of what she's going through...

I quickly used my phone to call her, I really hope she will pick up....

Luckily, she did.

"Hey Alex, how was school? I'm so damn sorry I couldn't come. I'm having this horrid fever and I really hope that it will be much better tomorrow."

"Oh. Get well soon sis, I really missed you today! School was awful. I didn't make it... and I don't really wanna talk about it..."

I knew she was displeased by it and she wouldn't wanna talk, but I'm only doing this for her own good.

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