"Oh ayu! Come in, I was just feeling really hot. Don't mind me."

I slowly walk towards him.

Don't mind you?!? How can I when your half naked?!?!

Trying not to look at his body, I put the jook on his bed.

"Ja. Eat up."

(*ja means here*)

Silence. He doesn't touch the jook. I look at him.

"well....what are you waiting for? Eat."

He looks at me with a face full of innocence.

I look back with a face full of guilt.

He scratches his head.

"But....I'm weak right now.....so please...feed me?" he says in a half weak whiny tone.

With the way he said it I felt like I had to do it.

I grab the spoon and quickly reach for his mouth.

"Ja! eat it!"


I look over. The spoon hit his chest and not his mouth. The porridge was all over his upper body.

He looks down.

"Gwenchanah ayu....It's a good thing I had my shirt off."

I put the spoon down and reach for the damp cloth.

"Aniyah, Nega miyanhae......."

(*nega means "I am"*)

I wipe the porridge from his chest. As I wipe it I watch him staring at me.

Feeling embarrassed, I blush.

"Wh-what are you staring at?"

He smiles.


I blush a brighter shade of red. I cover my face.

"Mo yah.......don't say things like that."

"You too ayu."

I look at him.


"What do you mean?"

He looks at me seriously.

He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bed and traps my legs and arms hugging me.

"Don't make such a cute face like that. It makes me want to attack you."

It felt warm in the room.

I couldn't move so I just kept still. I could feel his heartbeat pumping loud and fast.

Or was it mine?


"i'm hungry. Feed me once more."

He lets go of me and I quickly get off the bed. This time I don't miss and give him the porridge.

"Mmmm...mashitda, Ayu."

(*mashitda means it is yummy*)

I feel flustered again.

Few hours later...

I checked his temperature. It was lowering down to the normal temperature.

I sigh of relief.

Looking at him I give him a smile.

"Look! It went down! Dahangeida!"

(*dahangeida means Thats a relief or thats great!*)

He looks at me and smiles back.

"Ah, Ayu, I feel something on my bed. Could you please check?"

I tilt my head. He opens a bit of his blanket and I go inside the blanket.

"I don't see anything-"

The blanket shuts close and I lay on the bed with jiyong on top of me.

My eyes grow big.

"Moe yah?!? Get off me!!"

He doesn't budge. As I struggle, he reaches towards my face and takes my lips.

Before I knew it we were kissing.


He lets go of my lips. I look at him in despise.

"Again!! Why do you do this jiyong ah!?"

He looks at me with hungry desperate eyes.

"Is it my fault for falling in love with you? I'm at my limit now Ayu...."

He takes my lips again once more.

I close my eyes waiting for this to be over.

He lets go of my mouth again. I catch my breath.

Feeling hot and stuffy under the blanket I gasp for air. He leans his head on my neck.

"Ayu ah.....if only you would fall for me again...."

He falls asleep.

I stand there looking into the blanket.

I can't. Not after the way you left me.

My heart was beating loud.

I close my eyes.

but, I think I might be in love with him again.....

《Hi guys! How are you guys doing? I have finals coming up soon so I had a hard time trying to find a day to write this but here it is! I hope you like it and I hope you all have a marvelous day!^^ Stay tuned for the next chapter and feel free to vote for me~♥♥

Because I love you (G Dragon Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora