Vik imagine for Alex :)

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Alex POV:

I've been dating Vik for a month now, we both know each other pretty well now. But little did he know that I'm transgender boy. You maybe asking why I didn't tell Vik about it huh?
I'm scared to admit the truth to him, what if he would break up with me?
What should I do? Should I keep it a secret? Well now it depends on the future.
It was night time, I was laying on the bed, waiting for Vik to finish his H3M livestream amd facing the ceiling.
"Hey, you ok? You seemed quiet."
"Yeah.. I'm just... thinking." I replied.
"Alex, this is not like you, please tell me." Vik sat on the bed, looking at me solemnly with his dark brown eyes.
Tears started to flow freely from my eyes, I sobbed.
"What's the matter?" Vik asked.
"I... I'm a transgender boy Vik."
Vik was shocked, speechless.
I dashed off, out of the house, to the woods and reached to the cliff.
I sat down, putting my knees to my chest and sobbed quietly, letting all the tears flow freely.
Sound of footsteps could be heard.
I turned around.
It was Vik with eyes filled with sadness.
He sat next to me.
"Hey... Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I was scared to tell you,I thought you would break up with me..." I explained, trying not to make any eye contact with Vik.
Tilting my chin up, Vik smiled before kissing me sweetly and passionately.
I was shocked.
He pulled away.
"You...You're not mad at me?"
"Of course I'm not, I always love you." He smiled sweetly.
I smiled back before cuddling with him under the stars.

(A/N)AYEEE, finally! First requested imagine for this book! This goes out to Alexdoesnotfly as he requested me to do it!
If you guys wanna requested imagine, must have these requirements:
-Your favourite pack member
-Your name
-The summary of the plot of the whole imagine, just a quick one.
Just pm me or comment down below your request! That's it for today and cya<33

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