Consequences of a Joke

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"Nothing...I'm just in a hurry..." He said under his breath. His expression held no emotion, except I caught one thing. A small look in his light blue eyes, which made me feel bad.

"To class?"



"Now if you don't mind stepping out of my way."

His voice sounded so cold towards me. I didn't want to lose a friend. Before he could leave, I grabbed his hand. "Johnny, wait...I'm sorry..I don't know what I did but please don't be mad..."

"You don't know..." He looked at me in disbelief. The feeling in the pit of my stomach started to grow, maybe I should have just left him alone. I lowered my head down,

"Yes-No-Maybe? Is this about the science fair project still or-" I paused. "or the message Pamela sent you from my phone?"

His eyes widen, face slowly pinking. "What message?" He sounded like he choked on his gum.

"I don't know..." I lowered my head, "She didn't let me read it. We were playing Truth and Dare Friday night and she took my phone and deleted a message she sent to you, for my dare..."

"You didn't send that?"

"No, what did it say?"

He looked completely embarrassed, Did I make things worse? Jonathan fixed his glasses and then tried to move past me again. ".....Nothing of importance...."

"Johnny...please tell me...I don't like feeling like your mad at me."

"I'm not mad."

"Then tell me."

"No. I was stupid to believe it came from stupid..." He shook his head.

"Your not stupid Johnny." I quickly reach out for him, "I should have texted you right after that message was sent and explained, I'm sorry." Trying to make him feel better, I hug him. "Please forgive me Jonathan, I never meant to make you mad at me."

His blue eyes looked down at me and softened. Jonathan's voice quietly spoke in my ear, sounding like he sighed. "I can never be mad at you Harleen."

The bell rang, making us both jump. "Oh! Class!" I let go of Jonathan to grab my book bag. "See you in writing!" With that I ran all the way to my next class, Biology.

The Biology room had improved greatly since the first day of class. In case anyone reading my journal was wondering. Plants, flowers and bushes were appearing as gifts from our teacher to the school so it appeared more accurate to the lessons. Whatever that mean. Mr.Woodrue insisted that it was the right thing to do as a teacher. From what I heard, Mr. Woodrue had Pamela convince Doctor Strange to give our class funds to use for the up keeping of the plants. Of course, she didn't protest the request at all. I have to say for a biology and chemistry teacher something always seems a little off when it comes to our teacher, Mr.Woodrue. Undoubtly, the whole staff at Gotham High is what some call unique and different but Mr. Woodrue always gives me the hebie jeebies. In my journal I have began to list a few insistences that prove him to different to the teaching professor.

Mr. Jason Woodrue
•All the chemicals are unlabeled or have the labels crossed out in the back two cabinets of the laboratory.
•His ramblings, and freak outs when anyone comes near the "fake door" in our classroom.
•"The Fake Door" a door, which is rumored to have been sealed with cement because an accident that occurred when the first class of Gotham High had Science.
Source: Edward Nashton
•Worst thing is his eyes, his eyes behind those silver framed glasses look like he hasn't slept for days or is on drugs or something.
•Gets Mad at Johnny and Eddie because they stay after class and touch his supplies. Although he does say students are allowed to stay after class, however, only some of the football players like Bane or girls like Pamela are allowed to stay after it seems like.

Trust me, the list most certainly goes on. The weirdest one involves Pamela, Bane, and a few others on the class trip to Egypt last year. I do not remember all the details, but the rumor has it that none of them came back the same.

Speaking of, I sat down beside Pamela. I started tap my pencil, gaining her attention.

"What." Pamela spoke taking the pencil from my hand. She started to use it to write something down on her paper.

"Last week...What did you send to Johnny?"

"Sorry Harley, we aren't playing truth or dare." Pamela had no focus in the conversation of ours. She wasn't even paying attention to my pleading with her to tell me. Her eyes were locked on Harvey as he walked through the classroom door. He sat down a row ahead of us, making eye contact with Pamela the whole time. They both held the same look in their eyes, guilt. It's funny how Biology was the one class Rachel didn't have with him, and it was where he would sit the closest to Pamela.
In that moment I recalled what my dare had been to Red the night of the sleepover. My face flushed in embarrassment. I was a hypercrit! All along I was mad with Pamela when I created the same awkward situation between her and Harvey, well made an awkward situation worse. Actually the more I think about it, my dare was so much more awful then her's. I might have messed with Harvey's feelings, and a romance with him and Rachel by having Pamela text Harvey false text to make it seem like she loved him. It's not like me and Johnny had feelings towards one another, so I began to feel guilty for what I have done. What kind of terrible human being am I?

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Pamela's phone went off, but she didn't dare look at it.

Buzz Buzz Buzz.

She casually slid the phone back into her purse without opening it. Wasn't she curious to who that was from?

"Students of Gotham High, may I have your attention." The voice from the P.A called out, everyone knowing it was Principle Strange speaking. "Now that everything has been reestablished to order, I have a special announcement to make..." His voice trailed off. "The results for the President of Gotham High is in. Your new President is-"

In that moment, none of us were prepare for what was coming next. Harvey and Pamela, in one room. Neither would take the news of defeat well.
A/N: Okay, Considering the election has come to a close it needs to have results. So I thought it would be fun for you all to vote below to see who wins. Comment Dent or Isley. The name with the most comments, wins the title of Gotham High's President in the next chapter.

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