Chapter 2

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Heyyy! Sorry for publishing this late I was out with my family! Enjoy the chapter! xoxo- Lex

Flashback- Freshman Year 

"Omg! Skylar it's been too long!" I hear the easily recognizable shriek of my best friend Renee.

"Hey Renee, how was Italy." I smile smoothing my white sundress.

"Perfect! Hot weather, hot boys, amazing food," she boasts "I didn't break our pact though, there were bathrooms everywhere." She's delusional if she things I agreed to that stupid pact.

"I spent my summer in Westin with my grandparents, I got to lifeguard the community swimming pool, it was pretty fun."

"Yeah definitely " she says, obviously not paying attention. She's looking past me, something as a firm grip on her attention. I turn around and lock eyes with what she's looking at, or shall I say who she's staring at.

"He's totally looking at me." She rolls her hair around her finger

I look at her then back at him. He's with Parker and Kenny Woods, the troublemakers. He's not looking at her though, he's looking at me. I don't say anything and hope he turns his attention away before she realizes it. To my luck he starts over towards us, he skin glows against the light and I almost want to run.

"Hey," he smiles at us "I'm Julian."

"I'm Renee and this is Skylar." Renee chirps

"Skylar." My name rolls off his tongue perfectly "I hope to see you around."

I remain silent as he walks away, turning around and winking at me before disappearing with Parker and Kenny.

"So did you save any lives at the community pool?" She asks, obviously embarrassed by what had just happened.

End of Flashback

I wait by the car at the end of the day, I last saw Parker and Kenny smoking weed with a couple of kids behind the senior rocks. I stand patiently as everyone gets into their cars and drives away.

"Kim doesn't pick you up?" Julian voice sounds behind me

I flinch at the use of my mother's name. He doesn't know.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms

"Do I need to want something to talk to you?"

"Did you cheat on me?" I get the burning question off my chest. He's taken back a bit, startled by my question. "What?" He says through gritted teeth

"Did you cheat on me with Renee last year?" I look down

"Where'd you get that idea." He steps closer

"Renee." I avoid eye contact. I can tell he's mad, he's always been a hot head but I thought since his whole personality has changed he wouldn't be phased.

There are inches between us now, I'm pinned against the car. I can tell he's waiting for me to say gotcha but I'm completely serious. "Is that even a question." He hisses, his voice sending chills down my spine "I was loyal damnit." He slaps his hand against the car, causing me to jump a little.

"Hey!" Kenny yells "Get away from her."

Julian backs up, holding my gaze for a couple of seconds before turning to Kenny "Chill out Woods, we were just having a conversation."

"Drop it Kenny let's just go." I open the door to the back seat

"Yeah, it's not the first time Kenny's walked away." Julian provokes him

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