Imagine #8

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This week was Prom week and you had no one to go with. You were thinking of going with your boyfriend Cameron, but he was on tour. So you were just going with some of your close friends.

On Prom day, you had just woken up and looked in your phone, as usual, to see if you had any messages, which you did. It was a message from Cam saying, "Good Morning princess! I hope your having a great day. I'm sorry that I won't be able to go to Prom with you.😔  But I hope you enjoy it! I love you!😍😘". You responded, and got up from bed and took a relaxing shower.

After your shower, you went downstairs, to see your mom making breakfast. Your mom was supposed to be at work, so you were a tad bit confused. "Mom, what are you doing here?" you asked. "Since your having prom today, I thought why not help you get dressed and see my little girl going to her last prom until graduation!" she responded excited. "Well okay. What are you making for breakfast?" you responded. "Pancakes, eggs, and bacon."she replied. You said, "okay", and you sat down in the dining room and texted your friends, until your mom served you breakfast and devoured it in a couple minutes.

After that, you just relaxed until 6:00 to get ready, since your friends were going to pick you up at 7, so that gave you an hour to get ready. You did your makeup, curled you hair, and your mom helped you put your dress on, which took at least 45 minutes to do. With the time you had left, you went on your phone, and went on social media and random shit. After 15 minutes, your friends were at your house to pick you up. You walked downstairs, and your friends were waiting for you, but your mom had to stop you because she had to take photos, which took an eternity. After 5 minutes, you finally left with your friends.

After 10 minutes of driving, you and your friends finally arrived at the venue. You enjoyed the first 30 minutes of the party, until you started getting very hungry. You went to the table where they had all the food and drinks. You ate for 3 minutes, when you heard your favorite song come on, Let Her Go by Passenger. (If this isn't your favorite song, just imagine it as your favorite song) You then felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Cameron, mouthing to the words. You started crying of joy. After the song was done, you hugged Cam tightly, and he hugged back. "Y/n will you go to prom with me?" He asked, I kissed him back passionately in response. "I guess that is a yes?" He relied. "Yes it is." You smirked. You then heard applauded from the rest of the people at prom. The rest of the night, you enjoyed having fun with Cameron and just dancing all night long.

The best prom ever with the best boy ever.

To make this clear, u can go to prom at 18 or 17. If you're 17, Cameron is 20, but if you're 18, he's 21, okay? Anyway I think this was the longest imagine I have written in this book. But I hope you have enjoyed this. Bye guys!😌😊

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