Chapter 12

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"Good morning, my little doll," Louis whispered to Harry when he woke up. Harry had always woken up before Louis unless he wasn't feeling good or if the curtains were closed. Harry always insisted on sleeping by the window. That way if someone broke in through the window, he'd be able to keep Louis safe from anyone and if someone came through the bedroom door, chances are they'd see Harry first. 

"Hello," Harry said. "I'm still not pleased with you, so don't think that yesterday and last night meant that I was." 

"I never did. I'm much too aware of how you are when you're angry or upset."

"Good. With that being said, I am going to go pee and take a shower. Go downstairs and speak with my mother or something. I've got no doubt in my mind that she's already awake and has already started breakfast, if it's not done already," Harry said as he got up and went into the connected white bathroom. 

The walls were white, which made everything else stand out more. He had Minnie Mouse things all around the bathroom; a Minnie Mouse hand towel hanging on a circle ring by the sink, Minnie Mouse wall stickers, a Minnie Mouse shower curtain, a Minnie Mouse towel that hung on a towel rack, and Minnie Mouse rugs. There was a rug placed where you would stand at the sink to wash your hands, one in front of the toilet, and one in front of the shower. He also had a Minnie Mouse toilet lid cover, which took him forever and a million years to find. 

He turned on the water, letting it run from the faucet to heat up. He never turned the shower on until he was done using the bathroom and taking off his clothes. Sometimes, he didn't even get in until he was done brushing his teeth. Today, though, he was going to shower and then eat breakfast, so there was no point in brushing his teeth. He never understood why people would brush their teeth before eating, especially the people who would brush their teeth right before eating and not brush them again afterwards. That both weirded and grossed him out. 

He stripped his clothes, went to the bathroom, grabbed his face wash and turned to the bathtub. He smiled as he put his toes under the running water and it was warm. He pulled the top drawer of the sink out so it blocked the door, along with opening the cabinet door that was underneath the sink. He liked feeling protected by the cabinet and the drawer. He also opened his linen closet door and used that to keep the bathroom door from opening as well. He had a Minnie Mouse sign on the outside of the door that said he was busy anyway. He pushed one of his spare white and black towels, against the bottom of the door before getting into the shower. He never understood why he was so paranoid, but maybe he didn't have to understand. 

He used his yummy, strawberry scented shampoo. He was proud of himself for not getting any of it into his eyes as he rinsed it out. He always had to have the matching conditioner, so he also ran the strawberry scented conditioner through his hair. He let the conditioner sit on his hair to make it soft. Well, actually, he did it because the bottle said to, but he liked to think that he had invented that. Just like those YouTubers who would have those DIY videos that they all just repeated each other in. 

He used his coconut scented body wash while waiting for his two minutes to be up. It was then that he noticed that his hair was growing back, which caused him to have to sit down on the floor of the bathtub and cry. Because now, not only was his hair growing back, but he was sitting on the yucky floor and there was nobody to come and help him. He was mad at Louis, his mom definitely wouldn't help him, and the door was blocked. The door was even locked, so they'd have to pick the lock and find a way through the other obstacles. 

"Lou!" Harry yelled, starting off softly, but going to full on screaming for Louis. Why wasn't anyone answering him?

He heard four knocks on the door and sighed, but didn't stop crying. He just asked who it was through the tears. He didn't want to get up, but he knew that he would have to if he wanted Louis to help him. So he got up. He walked to the door, his towel wrapped securely around him. He toed the towel by the door away from it, closed the linen closet door, closed the cabinet, and closed the drawer, twisting the lock on the door. He told Louis that the door was unlocked now and went back to his shower, sitting back down under the stream of warm water. It was amazing how long the water would stay hot. 

"Why were you screaming for me?" 

"Because it's yucky," Harry whined. 

"What's yucky?" Louis asked, genuinely confused. Harry was acting like Louis should know what was yucky, but Louis just didn't know. He couldn't even begin to guess, but if he did have to take a guess, he would guess that Harry was saying that sitting on the bathroom floor was yucky. Instead, Harry shoved a leg onto the edge of the bathtub, close to where Louis was sitting. H


"Baby, there's barely any hair here. Why do I need to shave you?" 

"Shave," Harry whined, teetering on the edge of a breakdown. 

"Alright, where's your razor?" 

Harry didn't answer in words, but he pointed to the pink razor that was on a little shelf in the shower. Louis nodded and picked it up. There was no shaving cream, or even gel, but Louis could use the soap. He could even use the water, but he was pretty sure Harry would have a nervous breakdown then. 

"Alright, where am I shaving, little one?" 

"Hole, willy, face, leg, arm, tummy," Harry listed. 

"Underarms?" Louis asked, to which Harry nodded. 

And so that's how they spent their next 20 minutes. Harry rubbed his special, smell good stuff on him afterwards. It was lotion, Louis was pretty sure, but he didn't know 100% that that's what it was. 

"Do you want to go eat eat now?" Louis asked and Harry nodded and giggled, parroting him the whole way down to the dining room, where a plate was already waiting for him. 

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