Chapter Four.

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*Kayla, Aaleeyah , and Summer in MM*

Kayla's POV

After my last class of the first day was over I felt much better I met quite a few other people started making friends I guess you could say . I met one of the cheerleaders and she let me know that two spots were available on the team and tryouts would be sometime later this week two spots means double the chance of getting accepted. I had one more stop that I needed to make about one of my classes that I wasn't too sure I needed, I walked across campus to the admissions office to see if I could talk to someone about it but my luck you had to have an appointment so I made one for early the next day.

As I was walking out of the office Leeyah texted me and told me to meet her at the cafe for lunch I was starving so I was all for it, I headed toward the cafe and pulled my phone out to text Darius

I hope your first day was just as amazing as you are 💜💪🏽 I miss my quarterback already , counting down the days until we are together again I love you King 😘😘.

I was so focused on my text I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and walked right into someone causing me to drop all of my things , I looked up to apologize but they had already walked away , well so much for my manners right I kneeled down to pick up the rest of my things and a hand appeared in front of me handing me my phone , I grabbed my phone and looked up to thank them and it was the guy that was with Desean yesterday.

" Uh thanks ? I appreciate that." He smiled and helped me stand back up

" It's Brandon and no worries Kayla right ? It was no big deal that girl you bumped into thinks she owns the world I wish you would've knocked her down."

I laughed to myself and put my phone back in my pocket

" Well next time I'll pay less attention ! It was nice to see you again Brandon and yeah it is Kayla"

I smiled again and walked away I started to turn around and look back but decided against it because with my luck he's the bait for Desean.

I finally made it to the cafe after half getting lost and bumping into whatever her name was in the quad , I saw Leeyah and she was sitting at the table with some other girl  I walked over and sat down extending my hand

" Hey wassup I'm  Kayla I'm her roommate nice to meet you !"

She extended her hand and shook mine and smiled

" Nice to meet you Kayla I'm Summer we have Psych together  , she's one of the only people I have even remotely gotten along with in the two weeks I've been here and she says that you are cool so that makes two people in the thousands on the campus."

I laughed and she sipped her soda , I left my books grabbed my phone and went to go get food I scanned the cafe at all the different people here there were so many fine ass guys here I know I know I have Darius but that doesn't mean I can't window shop. I looked down at my phone and checked my snapchat , I had a  new friend notification i clicked on it and it was from Desean how did he even ? Oh that's right the video Leeyah put up yesterday  🙄. I accepted his request and added him back I got my food got up to the register to pay for it and the cashier told me someone already paid for it , I was a little confused but whatever , I walked back towards the table and Brandon , Desean , and some other guy were now sitting there  and of course  De was sitting in my seat.

I stood behind the chair and cleared my throat he looked behind him and smiled

" Well well well , hello ms. Independent how are you doing today ? Looking good as usual "

" I'm fine thank you , you are in my seat think I could have it back ?"

He stood up and held the chair out for me I laughed and sat down in the chair he pushed it in for me and then sat beside me , Leeyah was wrapped up in Brandon and Summer was smiling in whatever his names was face so I was forced to pay attention to Desean .

" Tell me Kayla why you playin so hard to get mama. ?"

" Because I am hard to get, plus I know the type of guy you are you'll get bored with me and itll be back up plan number one I have a boyfriend and I am not interested "

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear Ms Independent you might loose out on something good ."

He got up and his boys followed suit and they walked away from the table.

" Kayla do you know how many girls wanna be the girl that Desean Jackson is pursuing ?"

" Summer I am very aware , but I am happy with Darius I love him I'm not interested in De Jack !"

We finished eating and I glanced over at Desean he caught my eye and licked his lips and smiled, my insides fluttered a little bit and I felt my cheeks get red I smiled back and looked away.

" See Kay I seen that look before you are going to fall right into my cousins trap maybe he's what you need as much as you are what he needs ."

I rolled my eyes and looked back over but he was gone , maybe I needed to steer clear of Mr Jackson before I do fall victim to the system.

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