CHAPTER 1 : My Omega

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"What are you talking about? "Her eyes flickered to the screen as I turned to her fully.

"Your father...nobody knows who he was, your mother couldn't even tell me when I asked." She told me. "All I know is that...the man you've called father all these years, he couldn't have children but he doesn't believe that, your mother didn't want to get divorced so she went to Richard's mother, hoping she would help, she did." Her eyes were wide and searching.

"Then who is my father? "I asked furiously. I might not have been close to Richard, but thia accusation was way to big not to get angry over. I know we never got along, but that doesn't mean I never cared.

"I don't know." She said softly, "perhaps your mother would know but, there isn't a guarantee that she even knows." I turned to the screen as it changed again and it was the argument I dreamt about. My chest squeezed as my mother told him that he wasn't my father.

I never got to finish the dream but this one continued. My eyes widened as I witnessed the ground begin to shake as my younger self entered fully with clenched fists. I saw as the ground began to open and flames roared up. I looked back at aunt Mia and Cody. Cody was watching the screen with wide eyes while aunt Mia watched me.

"Somethings are better left unsaid. "


There was silence between us as I tried to wrap my mind around everything that had just happened. I looked at Cody who looked at me. I tilted my head to the side and he bit his lip.

"Where do you fit into all of this?" I asked him. He took a deep breath.

"Remember that wolf you saw in the woods when you were out drawing. "My eyes widened knowing I never told anyone that before." I-I was there. " he bit his lip, his eyws brimming with tears." I am that wolf. "


"... What?" My face scrunched up and I stood fast. I began to pace as I tried working everything out in my head. "Ok, wait. So, I'm a Caster, magic and stuff and just when I find out I don't have a father I know of and that my mother isn't a Caster which is why she hates me, now you tell me this." I stopped to look st his bowed head. "You're telling me that you can turn into a wolf?" He nodded.

"I can. "He voiced and got onto his knees." And I am the son to the Alpha but I'm an Omega. Your Omega. "The way he said it made my heart clench, the honesty and the pure hurt at me not believing him." I'll prove it if you want me too. "He stood.

"Oh, god, you just got so cliché." Aunt Mia muttered from her perch in a tree. I looked up and glared at her making her giggle. I looked back down as Cody began taking hia clothes off.

"Uh... "I said, my mouth dry as my eyes ran over his soft plump skin. I wanted to run my tongue over his heated flesh but I had to shake my head and control my hormones. He stood with his tight black underwear and I licked my lips as my eyes traveled down his abs, he was small but he was definitely toned, so very sexy. I clenched my eyes closed and took a deeo breath. When I opened them he was blushing and smiling shyly.

"It's okay, you can look. "He said shyly making my own face heat up. He got onto his hands and knees and slowly, his body begsn to change. First hair elongated from his skin and I heard the loud crack of bones shifting. It sounded painful and excruciating but it was fast and in a flash a golden brown furred wolf was in my Cody's place. My mouth gapped open. In reality I wanted to scream and run for my life but knowing that it was Cody that he was the same wolf I had grown almost obsessed with, I couldn't stop myself from going closer to him. He bowed his head in submission as I approached.

"He is an Omega, most packs consider thwm the lowest in their pack, they are weak and they are a waist of space, those packs are so very wrong. "Mia said suddenly standing right beside us." In a wolf pack, the Omega is the most important asset, they may be weaker than other wolves byt that it only because they are never given a chance to prove their worth, a chance to try and be strong. "Hearing it made me angry, my Cody was not weak, he was strong, stronger than anyone I knew and words of the other guy, France came to mind and I felt my blood boil." They are strong because they love freely without restriction or pause, they do not judge or question. Omega's are the purest breed of wolf, the first of their kind to know the true meaning of life and many packs across the world have forgotten that and so treat them like slaves. "

"Bunch of cocky little arseholes." I said and ran a hand through Cody's fur. I smiled at him since he was tall we were at eye level.

"I must agree. "She chuckled." They do not see that Omega's are often those the Gods chose to gift with certain powers and gifts. "I looked to her for explanation." Some of them, like Cody have a single gift, it ranges from controlling the elements to levitation spells to healing or seeing the future. "

"So, what's Cody's gift then?" I asked just as he shifted and he stood naked before us. I couldn't help my teenage eyes as I immediately locked onto hos semi-erect cock. "Woah," I said when suddenly he was in my arms, looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and stared into his eyes.

"Healing, "he whispered against my mouth."I have the gift of healing." I blinked at him. "Remember when you were getting those headaches and I'd touch you and you'd feel fine, I took the pain away."

"Oh my, God. "I muttered and he offered a small timid smile.

"Ezra," he called me even though I was looking him in the eye. "I need to know, do you accept me." I studied his face, his innocently sculpt face and his earnest eyes.

"You accepted me, even when I couldn't admit the truth to myself honestly. How could I not accept someone as amazing as you. "Tears begsn to fall from his face and body panicked." I'm sorry, hey, don't cry. "He shook his head.

"I'm just so happy." He hiccuped silently before slamming his lips onto mine for a searing kiss. I felt my knees shake as he moved his lips against mine. He whimpered and I tightened my arms around him, pulling him flush against me. I snaked my tongue into his mouth and he moaned. I went onto my knees with him still in my arms. I laid him down flat in the ground and myself flat on top of him. He mewled and his fingers threaded into my hair. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as my heart felt lighter and my head clearer.

So what if my mother didn't love me because I was better that her, because I was everything she wanted to be? So what if I didn't know who my father is? I still had Cody and my Aunt, they were both here from me, they were my rock, I could get through this with them. With him by my side.

"You too are disgusting. "Mia said with feign disgust but we had ignored her. I pulled away from Cody and looked him in the eye. He was flushed, panting hard beneath me, I stroked his cheek gently, staring into his hooded eyes.

"My Omega."

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