Jonah Clarke Is Awkward

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So hey, they're back. After this there are only four chapters left and then a potential epilogue sort of thing set a few months after the end :( I just wanted to say thank you so much to you guys, I absolutely love reading your comments and know that I do read every single one even if I don't reply. 

Anyway I was hoping you guys could recommend some good TV shows and movies as I've just got netflix!

Daniel walks into school unsure of exactly what it is he's going to say. On the one hand things should be easy and simple, the air between he and Jonah should have cleared, but on the other hand there still seems to be so many unsaid things. Because how on earth can Daniel go back to just being Jonah's friend when he knows exactly how he feels.

Isaac raises an eyebrow when Daniel walks into school.

"Something's up."

Daniel hates the fact that Isaac can always tell when something is wrong, hates the fact that it's impossible for him to hide his secrets. Hates that somehow, he doesn't mind.

"It's nothing."


"I don't want to talk about it?"

It comes out as more of a question than a statement because when has that ever really dissuaded someone from questioning you anyway.

It seems to work though.

"Fine," Isaac says, shrugging his shoulders, "just know that I'll be here whenever you decide that you want to."


"What are best friends for?"

Not for secret kisses, Daniel thinks to himself, not for regretted 'I love you's. He doesn't voice any of that aloud though; instead he offers Isaac a warm smile, a genuine one.

"Buying me chocolate?"

"In your dreams."

The two settle into silence after that. It's not uncomfortable or tense; it's just a sign of how strong their friendship really is. The two of them don't need words to pass the time, they're content to go about their own business, just knowing that the other one is beside them. Once again Daniel is reminded of just how lucky he is to have ended up with Isaac Berkovich as a best friend.

Daniel can't breathe when Jonah walks into the room. It's not surprising that he looks good today, a plaid shirt buttoned up to his neck, a pair of skinny jeans clinging to his legs. Daniel tries not to let his gaze linger, tries not to make it too obvious.

But he figures it must be. Because surely it's clear in the way a small smile slips onto his face at the sight of Jonah. Surely it's clear in the way his breath hitches, his palms sweat and Daniel has no idea where to look. Surely everyone must know.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

The words echo through Daniel's mind sending reverberations wherever they go. And it's all Daniel can think, and all Daniel can hear and it's everything he regrets saying.

Somehow, impossibly, Isaac doesn't seem to have realised though.

"You okay mate?" Isaac asks.

Jonah smiles, Daniel notices that the other boy never looks his way, that he seems intent on keeping his gaze averted from where Daniel is sat.

"I'm good."


That's the end of conversation and Daniel knows that it's his turn, that he's supposed to fill the lull but he can't. He's afraid to open his mouth in case the words come spilling out again.

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