Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up to Veloces' arms wrapped tightly around my body, a smile made its way on my face. Finding out about the baby was the light we needed during times like these, times were Veloces' father is planning on killing him. Before we ate dinner we had received a letter from someone, once Veloces finished reading it he had completely froze. He kept mumbling that it couldn't be real, he watched his non-biological father kill him. He wasn't the only one in disbelief, all of us were. Clayton kept shaking his head, going on about how this has to be some sick joke. 

The patrols were now tripled, Veloces told me that I am to always stay by his side, unless we're using the bathroom. In the letter his father told him that he would take me and end my life, I was angered by this. No way in hell am I allowing a messed up prick like that disgusting man to destroy my life with the one I truly love. I made a mental note to tell Achilles and Iris about this, even though they're dealing with some hunter who had escaped.

We had just received the call yesterday as well, apparently one of their female warriors ran off with the man as well. Iris told me how she believed this man could be the she-wolf's mate and that she didn't want to take her mate away from her. I completely agreed with her and told her I'll help with whatever I can. 

I looked back at Veloces to see him sleeping peacefully beside me, he was on edge all night last night. I don't blame him, he just found out that his supposedly dead father isn't exactly...dead. The only problem is we have no idea where he's hiding, Veloces now knows his scent. Telling me it changed a bit since Crudelis had "killed" him. Both of us were slightly curious as to how he had survived, I mean, Crudelis did snap the guy's neck. 

"Are you okay?" 

I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of his sleepy voice, I smiled softly at him. "Just thinking." 

"About Marcus?" he questioned, sitting up.

I sat up as well and let out a sigh, "Yes, how did he survive? Crudelis killed him." 

"I don't know, could be a witch's magic or something else. Though, only dark magic can bring someone back." Veloces replied.

"And who would want to bring him back?" 

He shrugged, "That's another thing we have to find out. I have a pretty good feeling as to who though."


"My ex-mate's mother, she hates my guts too." 

"Shocker." I growled sarcastically.

Veloces frowned at me, "Are you sure you're okay?" 

"No, I'm just...why can't we be happy for once? We're bringing a baby into this world and we have his biological grandfather wanting to kill me. Goddess, that man needs to get a life!" 

"Well, clearly he got a life if he isn't dead yet." Veloces mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean."

"I know, I know. I don't understand why he hates me so much, we both have something in common. We hate Crudelis. You know, if he hadn't raped her, he would have been good towards her." 

"What do you mean?"

"I remember seeing them together when I was younger, whenever she had a bruise he would look at her with concern. He would talk softly to her and calm her down whenever she was upset, he was always her shoulder to cry on. Then...once she died...he snapped." 

"He hated Crudelis."

Veloces nodded, "He blames me because I was born, if I wasn't born then Crudelis wouldn't have killed her."

"But it isn't your fault, it's his." I pointed out.

Veloces scoffed, "Clearly he doesn't think that." 

I frowned, Marcus must of really loved Veloces' mother. A part of me had hope that maybe Marcus would change and actually start loving his son, but I knew that wouldn't happen. His mind is broken, his heart is now drowning in the darkness that consumed him. And that darkness was exactly what was going to be the end of him. 

A/N: I know, this sucks, I'm just slightly tired.

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