Why Are You Here?

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I walk into the living room and say,"Sorry about that." I feel Grimmjow grab my butt and say,"Still why are you here?" Ulquiorra walks towards me and Grimmjow. I feel him stare at me for a long time. I feel Grimmjow pull me closer and I see his gaze carry away from me. He looks out the window and says,"What a lovely home. I want to talk to (y/n) about a chain of events that have been happening lately." I peer around Grimmjow shoulder and say," What type of chain events?" He walks over to me grabbing a piece of my hair and says,"Disappearances, and killings." I swipe at him and say,"Why do you think I did it?" I feel Grimmjow pull me closer to him and say,"Do you think (y/n) knows who did it?"
         I move away from Ulquiorra and say," I don't know anyone sorry. I haven't killed anyone or know anyone who would. I believe that there has been more hollows and 'them' in the area lately." I would be surprise if they came here next I haven't seen them in a while. I should go back to hunting them?Should I will release my energy to attract them?" I feel Grimmjow grab my hand and whisper,"Are you sure you can handle that? There could be a lot of 'them'." I smile and say,"Don't worry I will be fine. I have done this before so there is no need to worry. Love you I will be back you can come with if you want." I go to walk out then Grimmjow grabs my hand saying,"Let's do this together." I smile and I grab my chain around my neck and pull off my Lockett. I pull out my weapon getting ready for the huge wave when my head started to hurt so much that I almost blackout but I fought through the pain. I saw the sky blackout and I start to hear them screaming in pain and they pass my barrier. I start to swing my blade when I felt myself start to drift away. I grab Grimmjow's hand and the feeling stops. I swing my blade causing a huge shock wave taking out half of the group.

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