2- Chaos and A Game

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Allison's POV

I stare at the small yellow paper in my hands, the paper I've had for sixteen years. My birth mother's note she left at the hospital before, well you know.

I know it's stupid to hold on to this bent and crumpled sticky note. It's just a piece of paper, after all. But this is the only thing I have of her.

My phone rings and I grab it from my dresser. I place the note back into the envelope and stick it in my drawer. I accept the incoming call from Lydia.

"Dude, why are you calling me when you're literally two rooms down the hall?" I groan. There's a bit of shuffling in the background.

"I'm calling because I need you to open the front door for me. I left my keys on my dresser and I'm outside, dumbass," Lydia huffs. I look put my bedroom window. I see her and the new kid walking up the driveway.  

I jog downstairs and open the front door. The two walk in and I raise a brow at Lydia. She shrugs and Stiles goes up to his room. Lydia grabs my wrist and drags me into the living room.

"His mother is in the hospital," She says. I furrow my eyebrows. So that's where they were? The hospital?

"And you're telling me this, why?"

"Yeah, why are you telling her this?" Stiles asks.

We both look at him. His arms are crossed over his chest. He was leaning against the archway but is now storming away. Lydia darts after him.


Stiles POV

I didn't even want Lydia knowing about my mom. It's none of her god damn business. But seeing her at the hospital, it made me think that maybe I could trust her. Maybe someone knowing wouldn't be a bad thing. But then she had to tell the brunette, Allison I think her name is, and it makes me mad. She lost my trust.

I came downstairs to talk to Lydia. I wanted to get to know her better. She's the only one that has talked to me since my arrival. I thought we could be friends or something. But now I lost interest with speaking to her.

Maybe I'm over reacting. Maybe I'm just tired. But I don't really care right now. I don't want to have to add Lydia and Allison to the list of people who pity me. I don't want their pity.

Someone tugs at my arm and I sigh. I know it's Lydia by the smell of her perfume. It's the same scent that I smelled the whole way home from the hospital.

"I'm sorry," She apologizes, "I didn't think you'd get mad."

"Obviously," I snap.

"I didn't know-"

"You don't know me," is all I say before going up to my room.


Three Hours Later

I hear a knock on the bedroom door but I don't get up. I stay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. The door opens and Isaac comes in.

"Hey," He awkwardly says. I glance at him. "Melissa wanted me to ask you if you want to play this stupid game with us all."

"What game?" I ask. I sit up, waiting for his reply.

"Guess the Picture," He answers. Even though I don't know how to play it, I nod and stand up. He smiles softly and I follow him downstairs.

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