Brothers Friend-Sam Wilkinson

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(Your p.o.v)
Me and Nate are going to hang out with his friends again when I get home. Theres this one dude that's his best friend Sam that likes me. I do but I wanna hide it tho.😏

Once I got home Sam, Johnson and Gilinsky are there too. "Sup little fuckers, sup big bro." They were all sitting on the couches with their phones. "Sup y/n." Said the boys. Nate didn't respond.

"Yo Nate." I waved my hand infront of  his phone screen. "Don't you have homework to do." He snaps. "Alright geez dude all I wanted was a hi or hey." I laughed to make him feel annoyed. "Hi are you happy now." "Very." I winked. "Don't worry about him, he's mad right now." Said Johnson laughing. "We'll gotta zayn, Maloley is right I do have some homework to do." I saw Sam smirk on the corner of my eye and felt his eyes burn. I ignored it and smirked to myself.

I went up to my room and jumped on my bed and laid there. Screw homework today. I grabbed my computer and started to play music. God I'm hungry now.

I heard footsteps coming my way. It's Nate. "Do you want something to eat." He asked and I ignored and facked that I was asleep. "Y/n I know your ignoring me." He laughs. "Ah so Maloley is in a good mood now, finally." I clap my hands. I can tell Nate rolled his eyes. "Anyways yes I want Chipotle." I say sitting up straight to change my music. "K be back in a bit."Nate left.

I went back downstairs with the boys. They are playing Mortal Kombat X (my fav game). I'm really good in this game I can beat anyone.(try me bitch)

"Ohh get it Johnson." I laugh and sat next to him. He was playing against Gilinsky. After 1 more minute of them playing Johnson won. "Yaasss Johnson now my turn." Gilinsky gave me the controller. "Ima beat all of you in this game."I smirked.

After playing against Johnson. I won. They all had their mouth open. "Aha Johnson you got beat by a girl." Said Gilinsky. "Shut up." He pouted. "Aww it's ok." I messed up his hair.

"Who's next?" "Me!" Said Jack. "Boy you must be really confident." I laughed. We picked our characters and started the game. After the game. Once again I won. "Try me bitch." I turned around to a now wide mouthed Gilinsky. "Aha who's the little bitch that got beat by a girl now." Said Johnson, I laughed and so did he.

"Alright me next princess." "Ok don't start pouting like Johnson." "I won't." Geez these boys never give up. We picked our character and started the game. After the game, I hate to admit it but, I won again! "Bye bitches I won." They all laughed at Sam. I went back to my room.

I heard footsteps coming my way. It's Sam. Ha came in and closed the door behind him. "Sam what are yo-" I was cut off by his lips crashing on mine."Your not gonna win this game." Said Sam with a smirk.

I gave in and kissed back. He licked my lips for entrance and I let him. He lightly tugged on my bottom lip. "Yeah right." I smirked. And kissed him again. He trailed down to my neck. He thought he's was going to get a moan from me. Well he thought wrong. He picked me up without braking the kiss and I wrapped my legs around him.

He put his hand inside my shirt , he touches my hips and rubs them up and down. "Fuck." He moans. "Point for y/n." I said and he goes to my neck he left hickeys.

I moaned when he hit my weak spot. "Point for Sammy." He winks. He continues to kiss me and when he wants to pull up my shirt Nate yells from the kitchen. "Y/n, Sam foods here!"

"This isn't over babygirl." He whispers in my ear as we go to the kitchen.

Hey peeps😊

Hope you liked this one bc its like 2:53 am and I have nothing to do and thought of doing and imagine.😹🙃

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Love yah, Aly✨💁🏻

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