Chapter 43.

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Elizabeth's p.o.v.

As promised, Carter and I stayed home today which was the last day of school until Christmas break.

Now, we were just waiting for the crew to arrive, including the girls and Harry. We were all going to go do something. What? I have no idea.

"They drive like fucking grandmas." Carter complains as he laid his head in my lap.

"Be patient, Carter." I say running a hand through his hair.

"That feels good, babe." He said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, amusement dancing in my eyes.

"Yes ma'am." He chuckles.

The doorbell rings before I have time to reply. Carter got up, telling me he'll be back.

"Finally! I thought you guys would never show." Carter exclaims as everyone follows him back into the living room.

"So, what are we doing today?" Robert asks sitting on the couch.

"Thought we could go catch some hoops like old times." He shrugs.

"Two on three?" Zach asks.

"Harry do you play?" Carter asks.

"Not really but I know how." He answers.

"Three on Three, Me, Harry and Alex against You, Robert and Chase." Carter tells Zach.

"Deal." They do a quick handshake and grab Carters ball.

"Are you girls coming?" Robert asks us.

"To the park?" Dre asks.

"Yeah," he answers.

"Sure, why not?" Kelsey shrugs.

We grab our things and walk to the park instead of driving. It was a beautiful day so I couldn't turn it down.

"It's so hot, Jesus Christ!" Dre complains.

"It's not even ninety degrees out here, how are you hot?" I ask.

"I don't know, ask my body." she says fanning her face.

"Well, we're almost there so calm down." I tell her.

"Whatever you say, mom."

We soon arrived to the park. The boys immediately began playing basketball on the large court while us girls sat in the grass and talked amongst ourselves.

"Robert told me about what happened the other night with you and Carter. What the hell did that shit face want?" Dre asks referring to Chad.

"To supposedly warn Carter to watch out. But that was the dumbest thing he could do, really. I think the reason Carter hasn't made a move is because he wants the guy to think he has the upper hand. But in all reality, Carter could take him out just like he did Jake."

"Right, I just wish this whole thing was over with. How are you coping with this?" Kelsey asks.

"It's hard sometimes like the other day when Chad actually brought someone to hold me down and threaten me. But other than that, it's not that hard at all." I answer.

"Do you think.. You know, that since we're dating Robert and Alex, he'll come after us?" Dre asks nervously.

"I honestly have no idea, Dre. But if I had to guess, nine times out of ten he might. I'm not sure." I reply.

I knew telling the girls this information would scare them but I couldn't lie to them. We were all dating the guys so they'd have to find out sooner or later.

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