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An almost insane desire, longing, or burning lust for someone or something. You feel like without that thing or person, you are not complete and can't cope, or- in extreme circumstances- live, unless you have the object you desire.


"No one else knows this, and Kai has only told me about it." He paused. "Kai is obsessed with Haruki. He is completely enamored by him- that's all he ever talks and writes about." His voice shook. He didn't know if he should be sharing this information with them, or if he could even trust them in the first place, but he continued to speak anyway, unable to stop.

Fingers jumbled into a knot in front of him, he continued on. "I've been trying to get him moved into a dorm with me to get him away from Haruki, but my requests have been getting denied for some reason... A-and they already have Kai's medical records explaining about recent complications so I don't know why they would deny it- but..." He shifted sides on his feet.

His concern for his brother had grown to even more bounds after many years with no improvement of Kai's conditions. It was frustrating; he just wanted to protect his brother. "I don't know what to do, I'm just scared Kai might do something to Haruki or someone a-a-and and I don't want t-t-to lose my brother again!"

Tears welled in his eyes. He hadn't cried in a long time. He used to cry a lot as a child but that began to stop when he focused on his brother's health. "That side...has been getting more and more wild and unstable. It's confusing because one moment he's Kai and the next he's..." His throat throbbed, he couldn't continue.

"Please understand this." He regained his calmness and had stoned serious expression despite the tears still cascading down his cheeks.

"My brother is dangerous; He should not be here with other people, that's why he was put away in the first place! I'm s-scared... someone may get hurt. So please, please help me. Even if you don't want to help Kai directly, you could at least help me to help him."

Bruh you guys, it's been a million years and I had no idea what to do about the chapter.

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