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You've just taken your seat in your classroom amongst the awkward yet somehow defending silence of the surrounding students, when you are suddenly called over the intercom to the principal's office.

This only alerts the classroom in to loud whispers as you grab you (f/c) bag and head out the door not before sending this a daring look over your shoulder before disappearing down the hall toward the office.

You sit yourself down on the long cold bench outside the room awaiting for your turn as the principal is finishing up their current engagement.

You know why you're here,
You've been through this before,
Many times before.

You brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair back with your fingers behind your ear as it begins to irritate you, your (e/c) eyes downcast to your white school shoes which you start tapping away to comfort the airy silence of the hall.

Finally, the door opens and your principal gestures you inside with a blank look in his face.

"Take a seat Miss, (L/N)" he says as he closes the door and walked behind his desk to sit in his leather chair which sounds as he does so.

Your (e/c) eyes stare blankly back at him, not saying a word.

He picks up some photos and papers and slides them along the desk towards you saying "What do you have to say in regards with this?"

"..." you know nothing you say is going to make him nor anyone listen that is going to change what you know is going to happen, so you stare emotionless as he sighs and continues.

Looking down at the evidence he speaks as if he were trying to puzzle it altogether, "Your a straight A student, with prompt attendence, a student we will be sad to let go... however, you should know we don't condone violence in this school. Therefore we have no choice but to expell you from this school, do you understand?"

You simply nod quietly

"I really do wish to have heard your side (f/n), but the evidence is clearly not stacked in your favour... Please return your complete uniform by the end of the week in prestine order"


Your at your locker packing your things into your (f/c) bag when a pair of arms wrap around your waist causes you to jump suddenly.

"I'm so sorry, (f/n)!" A girlish cried muffled into the back of your uniform
You turn your head to find your best friend sobbing and clinging to you.
You give a sympathetic smile and turn around in her grasp,
"It's alright, (B/F/N). We knew this was coming right?"
Your bestie snuffled while looking up at you with tear stained cheeks,
"It's so not fair! It wasn't your fault!" She pleaded desperately.
"You better get to class"
"Yeah?" you looked at her a saddened look. She had always been there for you, been there since day one at this school, you'd go everywhere together and always have each others back.
But now,
You were both powerless.
"Never forget me"
"Of course" you smiled, "we'll still text, bye for now" You closed the locker door and said your goodbyes and left (s/f/n) High school... forever.

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