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Santana adjusted her sunglasses as she stretched back on the picnic blanket. The sun beamed down on her skin but it was enjoyable. She closed her eyes and smiled as lips were pressed against her bare abdominal. She was wearing a black bikini and denim shorts and her hair was in a loose bun. Dani was taking advantage of her exposed skin by pressing light kisses everywhere possible.

They had been by the creek for nearly four hours now. She and Dani had gone for a date at two after completing their work and now they had no interest in returning home. Dani had made a feast of sandwiches, salads and she even made Santana's favourite pie, cherry. (Although she did admit Ms. Lopez helped with the pie and Abuela supervised.)

"So you and Ace really came every week last summer?" Santana asked reaching to run her fingers through Dani's hair.
"Mmmhmm." Dani replied lying on her stomach and leaning her chin on her hands. "Tom, his dad, had him working on their farm last summer so it felt like I never saw him. Two weeks into summer we decided we'd have 'date night' every Friday at the creek. It became one of my favourite places."

Santana looked at Dani and smiled. "You two are adorable sometimes. If only you were straight you'd make a great couple. It is really nice here though." Santana noted glancing at the rope swing and the trickling water.

"Yeah it's where Dad brought my mom on their first date." Dani commented springing up and walking over to the picnic basket to grab her ringing phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Dan. You, me, Santana, date night. Drive in theatre. Coyote Ugly is playing tonight. Jason said you can come but you have to get your butt back now if we're going to make it." Ace's voice was so cheerful Dani couldn't help but grin widely.

"Let me ask Santana does she want to go." Dani said sniggering at Ace's sigh. Santana looked up at the mention of her name. "Wanna go with Ace to watch a movie?" Dani asked hopeful Santana would say yes. She really did love Coyote Ugly.

"Sure. Are we going now?" Santana asked sitting up. Dani nodded and arranged with Ace to meet at their house. The day was only getting better.

Walking into the house alongside Dani and Ace, Santana made her way upstairs in order to change her top. Upon entering her room Santana was surprised to find her Grandmother sitting at Dani's desk reading.

"Hi I'm just getting changed then I'm going with Dani and Ace to the movies." Santana explained opening the wardrobe doors. Her Grandmother closed her book and sat in silence while Santana rummaged.

"Are you okay Abuela?" Santana asked pulling Dani's black Ramone's t-shirt from the pile. She loved this shirt. It was the first thing of Dani's she'd ever worn.

"Santana we need to talk." Abuela said her voice incredibly solemn. "Okay. What's wrong?" Santana asked changing her top in a swift motion.

Just then Dani shouted from downstairs. "New York are you coming or not?"

"Santana perhaps you would consider staying in now so we could talk instead of going out with your girlfriend." Abuela's voice was monotone which scared Santana.
"Of course I'll stay in if you want me to but...WAIT Dani's not my girlfriend!" Santana only registered her grandmother's request half way through her response. Abuela rolled her eyes. "Mi corazón I am old, not blind. Now either inform them you are staying or inform me you are going."

Santana paused for a fraction of a second before walking to the door. "Hey guys I'm going to hang here and spend some time with my Grandma. You go to the movie though!"

"You sure?" Ace's voice questioned sounding surprised. "Yeah I'm sure. You two have fun though!" Santana attempted to not let her worry shin through. Fortunately both yelled their goodbyes and the door soon shut.

Santana, staring at her feet, moved and sat at the edge of the bed nervous. There was nothing but silence for a full minute.

"Why must you act upon your urge to sin?" Abuela finally sighed. Santana felt tears sting her eyes as she heard the disappointment in her voice.

"Abuela it isn't like that. I can't change who I am." Santana reasoned wringing her hands filled with anxiety.

"Some people are born with these faults. I understand that sweetheart. I don't blame you. You never had good men in your life. It is no wonder you avoid them.
But it is not too late to change your path. I love you with all of my heart. You are my entire life. I have never nor will I ever love anything more than I love you. I just want you to be normal. For your own benefit." Abuela spun to face her genuinely concerned.

"I am attracted to girls." Santana's throat was tight as she admitted this and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "I can't change that. I was born this way. It's not because Dad was a shit parent, it's something I was born with. Why can't you just see that? Dani's family do."

Her grandmother shook her head. "Can you not see why both of you seek women? Neither of you had very good mothers. Sweetie you both are just a mess of hormones who happened to find each other to validate our lack of female figures.
You are confused right now and these people, who are all really great, are not helping the situation. You need to be normal. This whole "relationship" is wrong. How do you not see that." Her grandmother stood up and paced across the room.

Santana no longer fought the tears. Her grandmother sat beside her and enclosed her in her arms. "Abuela I love her." Santana sobbed clutching her grandmother. Abuela stroked her hair. "From the moment I saw you two together I guessed as much. It was the first time I was ever ashamed of you."

Santana pulled back, the hurt and pain etched into her voice as she croaked "What can I do to fix this?" Her grandmother swept a strand of hair behind an ear grimacing.

"I think it is best you come back to the city with me and your Mami."

Dani and Ace strolled into the house laughing. Night had fallen and the air was heavy. Nothing mattered though but their current state of joy.

They entered the kitchen and were surprised to meet Pops, Jason, Cheri and Tyler talking around the table. "Hey." Dani greeted them refusing to let her good mood be spoiled by their mere presence.
"Dani." Jason replied frowning at Pops.

"I'll just go tell Tana we're home and then we'll make smores." Dani announced to Ace. "Where is she anyway? Upstairs?" Dani asked the congregation.

Everyone glanced at each other before Jason stood up and stepped in front of his daughter. "Princess...Santana went back to the city with her Mom and Grandma."

"What?" Dani questioned in disbelief. "Santana's gone?"

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