Chapter ten-The R4HC

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I continued running, but Rèmy was too fast. He soon caught up with me and punched me hard in the back, before wrapping his left arm around my neck and forcing my back down into his knee. The pain was excruciating, but I soon got the better of him. Without warning, I kicked as high as I could behind me, hitting between his legs, and he let go off me. Rèmy bent over, covering himself with his arms in pain, and I could see his face becoming more and more red by the second.

Yes, I knew I shouldn't have done it that hard, but who was he to continue to hurt me?

Soon he was up again, and hobbling towards me, but with no intention to fight back.

Rèmy walked past without a backwards glance, and I also followed, however just a few paces behind.

Why had he suddenly stopped fighting? Did he just give up? Nevertheless, we continued on walking, without a word, and soon we were ambling about outside our leaf-house.

Rèmy pulled open the huge palm tree leaf that made the door, and stumbled inside then entered his room.

I was left to close the door, but I deliberately left it open to see what he'd do.

As I stepped inside, Rèmy did nothing. He sat, with his muddy new clothes on the floor next to him, and he said absolutely nothing.

I also sat in my room, and thought to myself. Now how was he going to go to work without those new garments that Juliet had given him?

Guiltily, I lay down on my back on the sand of my bedroom. I had to make up to him for what I'd done, but he also had to apologize for his ever so irritating haughtiness.

So, two hours passed as I fell asleep on the floor of my squalid room. And yet, when I woke up and stepped into Rèmy's room, he wasn't there.

I yawned and brought myself outside, where the sun was slowly going down.

Looking at every degree of the scenery for Rèmy, I meandered to the left side of the beach to find him swimming in the ocean.

He seemed relaxed where he was, floating in the shimmering and salted water.

I watched him carefully, as he looked very tired. I had the feeling to stay and watch him, in case of anything, but I had no idea why.

Soon my instincts had proven correctly: Rèmy's eyes shut and he went under.

My mouth gaped open, and I immediately dived into the ocean. I swam and swam as fast as I could, trying to reach him as soon as possible.

Eventually I did get to the spot in which he had suddenly sank, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

I took a deep breath and swam down, trying to see where he had gone. But I couldn't see him.

I was losing my breath quickly so I pushed myself back up into the air, where my head was being exposed to the sweltering sun that was gradually descending.

Gasping for air, I made my second attempt to search under the water for Rèmy.

The salt did hurt my eyes, but I wouldn't allow it to stop me from saving my friend. Yes, we argued, no doubt about it, but it was still my duty to rescue him from whatever dangers that he faced.

I searched and swam deeper, but to no avail. Anon I too was drowning, therefore, with arms flailing beneath the surface, I hurriedly made my way back up. I choked on the water in my lungs, and once above the surface again, I was breathing hard for air.

I was going to try again, and this time-seriously. Spluttering, I took the deepest breath I had ever taken, and dove even further below.

I could see little, but soon I felt something next to me. It was cold, but when I had felt it properly I realised it was a hand.

Like most I came from an Ocean...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя