Find My Way Back Home {Sequel of Kellin Quinn.. My Step Dad}

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-Eight months earlier-

*Scarlett's POV*

I stood there, waiting for Justin to pull up. Jayden had left a little while ago, saying that his mom called him and he would be right back.

I didn't question him. I didn't want to seem like some kind of obsessed girl. And it wasn't any of my business to know where he went or talked to 24/7. Okay now I sound weird, I thought.

About a minute or two had passed when I saw a car pull up next to me. I looked at the car for a second then back down at the ground.

"Hey little girl do you mind telling me where the nearest gas station is?" He called out.

"Um you just passed it, sorry." I say and then I start to walk away.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I just nod my head and get away from the car. This guy seemed pretty sketchy. He was wearing beige trench coat with a black plain shirt under. His short brown hair was a mess and it seemed as if he didn't shave for weeks.

"Scarlett come here." He said and I froze. I didn't dare to turn back around to this stranger.

"Scarlett Marie Gomez, get over here now because we need to talk." He said again, more aggressive this time and that's when I turned back around.

No one knew my middle name other than my mom. How did this creep know my name? I don't even know him.

My mind kept telling me to run away. To tell that worker who was blasting music through his earbuds that some creep was harassing me. But of course, my curiosity kept pulling me toward this man.

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked,not understanding why I walked all the way back to the car.

"Oh sweetie don't you remember? I'm Josh, your real father." He said and smiled at me.

That's when everything around me stopped moving. I fell to the ground but I didn't fully pass out. I felt like this was some kind of crazy nightmare. The man who has abused me and my mom was right there. The man who had walked out on me and my mom was sitting in that car next to me. The man that I knew nothing about was just centimeters away from me.

I felt myself being picked up and then I heard a door open. Oh fuck, I thought to myself, I must have blacked out because I don't remember him coming close to me and picking me up.

I tried to get away from him but his grip only got tighter and then he threw me in the back seat, closing the door.

That's when the worker called out to this guy. I couldn't hear what was happening but then the worker walked away. My heart sank. Did he actually buy whatever stupid excuse this man said? Did he not care that I was being abducted by some guy? Did he not notice me black out a little while ago?

Then this Josh guy went to the drivers seat and started up the car and began to drive away from the venue.

Just then my phone dinged, signaling that I had a text. Fuck, I think to myself, know he knows I have a phone.

He stopped the car and reached over to grab my phone from my back pocket. While trying to teach my phone, his hands kept wondering around my legs. I started to panic so and start pushing him away from me.

"Fuck off me you creep!" I scream and punch him in the throat.

He starts to choke so I take the opportunity to try and escape. The only problem was that he had locked the doors and now the car was moving again.

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