Chapter 32 "Mystery Savoir"

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Lucy's Pov 

As we pulled up to the Daycare were all of the baby's were being dropped off i too My daughter Avery in and i took Daisy in too i put them in their crib an Zoe came too to watch over them.I said my goodbyes and went back to the car were my loving handsome mate was waiting.

"What do you think is wrong with Kate??"Casey asked starting the car .

"I dont know but i dont think we should have left her by herself at home"

"No i dont know something doesn't feel right What happened in the morning when you ran outside"

"Kate fell off her horse and she was like clutching her chest "

"Did she say what happened ??"

"No "

We pulled in the driveway an Casey said we will finish this conversation later ...

A few hours had pasted and we were currently all like talking amogest one and another.I texted Kate and asked if she was alright But i didn't get reply.I didn't think any thing of it because Kate never actually answers her phone if she wants you she will come and find you.

I watched the stars appear in the sky one by one.The moon was begging to rise and was almost at the top.So the marking ceremony will almost begin I have no clue why we have to wait till the moon is at the top for nobody else does this at their marking ceremony.She is so weird i dont even know how poor Luke got her as a mate.I thought he would have got Kate but hey thats the moon goddess decision not mine.

Kate will have an amazing mate.She has been through so much in these past few years she deserves some sort of happiness in her life.

"ATTENTION ATTENTION Can we please have all Alphas,Luna's,Betas,Deltas and Warriors Please go into the assembly hall."It came over the loud speaker 

I walked over to Hayden and grabbed his hand an went to find Casey he mind linked me to tell me he was in the hall in the front seat with Kate's Family,Axel and Luke's families.

When we found them we sat don Hayden sat on Casey's lap and then the ceremony begun.They walked down the ale hand in hand. Luke's parents didn't look to happy about this but they put a fake smile on.Casey held my hand as Hayden was on his lap.Casey knew i was very worried about Kate something was going to happen and i didn't know what.

They walked up onto the little stage and Got given wine glasses Caroline's of coarse was filled with orange juice.

"Hello everyone thank you for coming to my big day can we please raise a glass to me and my future husband and Father of my baby Now could every body please turn their devices off and  give it up for me and my fiance ."We all raised a glass and said cheers and drunk it.

Hayden started looking like he was going to be sick.Sam said she would take him too the Daycare so we wouldn't miss out on anything important.To be honest i think she just wanted out of here hell i was fine to go see my princess Avery but no i had to stay here.

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