Chapter 13

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Several months later after Maux's Death

DarkMew122's POV

It had been a few months later since Maux's actual death. I didn't exactly care much anymore since me and him had broken up during a fight in a dungeon.


"JUST SHUT UP MAUX!!! YOU ALWAYS DITCH ME ANYWAYS YOU ALWAYS LEFT ME ALONE!!!" I yelled at him angrily while the Glitter Demons watched entertained by our arguments. Durahan not so much though.

"NO YOU SHUT UP YOU AND YOUR STUPID EMOTIONS!! ALL YOU DO IS SHARE HOW YOU FEEL!! THATS WHAT MAKES YOU VULNERABLE TO MEN YOU SLUT!!" He snapped back. I growled on the verge of tears and hit him hard in the face with my hand.

~Time Skip~

"JUST SHUT UP AND FIGHT YOU LAZY DRAGON ASS BITCH!!" I yelled catching Durahan's Sword with mine growling. Maux was attacking it from behind til I didn't see a wave of swords coming from behind. Maux did and had tried to block it but ended up being spiked into several of the blades. I had killed the boss and when I had turned around Maux was already gone.

Flashback end.

Since then I've lost the emotion to feel and have gotten strong because of that. And within a week I had become the highest leveled Elesis in the guild. I had become skilled with my sword and became more powerful than I was before. I had ignored everyone, and kept moving forward. Troll had let his other personality or persona as we call it come out.


Since Troll let Cole free he's tried everything in his power to get rid of us. It hasn't worked out in his favor at all.

I began walking out in town and ran into a player. "S-sorry." I said. "It's fine." The Ara said. She glanced at my name. "Hmm.. DarkMew122.. My names Warren in the real world whats yours?" She asked. "Uhm.. Hallie but I prefer Mew better." I replied. "Cute name for a cute girl ya know." He said.

I blushed at that comment. "W-well I should go ok. Hope to see you sometime in the future." I said and had then saw a friend request box come up. I chuckled and clicked the blue circle. "See ya around princess." He said and then teleported.

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