It Was You!/What Did You Do To Him?!

Start from the beginning

She looks like she's trying to think of a way to make an excuse. "Oh Lounzel why would you say that? Did you bump your head my flower." She tried to hug me but pushed her off.

"It was you! It was all you! I've spent all my life hiding from people, but I should've stayed away... from you!" I shouted and she looked very angry at me.

"My job was to keep you safe. Everything I did, was to protect you." I shook my head in denial at her protest and pushed her again and walked past her.

"I always believed that I was kept away from people because of them using my power! But you were the one that I should've avoided and hid a long time ago." I glared at her.

"LOUNZEL!" She yelled.

"It's so stupid I let the love of my life use my hair for his injured hand!" I shouted at her.

"Where would you go? He won't be there to sent you free." I saw her smirk.

"Wait a minute. What did you do to him?!" I felt the tears coming down my face worried about Harry.

"That boy is going to be hanged for all of his troubles." She laughed evilly. I felt sick to my stomach.

"No." I whispered.

"Now now, there he'll be out of you life and we'll have the best and happiest life ever!" She was about to pet me but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"No! You were wrong about the world and you were wrong about me! And I will never yet you use my hair again!" She pulled her hand back and tumbled into the full body mirror and broke it.

I started to walk away then I heard my 'Mumther' say, "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy." I turned back to her back that was a big mistake as she grabbed me then everything turned black.

Harry's POV (thought the chapter was over huh?!)

I feel something under me stop and started to rock. I woke up tied up on a boat with the crown! Oh no! "Hey look it's Harold! He has the crown! Get him!" I looked around seeing I'm in front of the castle with guards all around.

"Lounzel!" I tried to yell but he's on the other side of the land. I promised him I would come back, I didn't! I broke the promise! I feel horrible! Many guards came up beside me and grabbed my arms.

"C'mon Harold, tomorrow you're being hanged for all of your troubles." A guard by my side said.

No I need to get back to Lounzel! I thought to myself

"Let me go! I can explain! Lounzel!" I heard the guards laugh and threw me in a cell. I heard a click that means it's locked. This is horrible! Lounzel must really hate me right now. I felt something when I held his hand. I think I like him! I do! He's my dream! I need to get out of here so I can tell him that!

(The next day)

I woke up with my cell door opening with two guards with handcuffs. "Today is the day Styles." One said smirking.

"What?" I took a second to figure out what it was they were talking about. I brought my hand to my neck, "Oh." They handcuffed me with my hand behind me. I see the place where I'm going to be hanged to my left and to my right I was walking down a hallway full of cells. Then I saw Perrie's and Eleanor's cell in the corner of my eye. I hit one of the guards with my shoulder and the other with my head. I jump over my hands so they were in front of me and I grabbed Eleanor. "How did you know about him?! TELL ME NOW!" I screamed at her.

"It wasn't us it was the old lady." She said scared.

"Old lady?" I whispered, oh no that's Lounzel's mum! I really need to get to him and fast! Four guards came up to me pulling me off Eleanor. "I need to save Lounzel! He's in trouble!" We came to the door that lead the hanging rope but it shut right in front of the guards face.

"What the? Open this door!" The peephole came out with a guard, Liam. Wait is he with me or is he trying to kill me?

"What's the password?" He said.

He's with me.

"Liam open this door!" The guard in front of me said.

"Nope." Liam said. The two guards behind me disappeared.

"Liam!" He shouted again.

"Not even close!" Liam joked. The guards in front of me disappeared.

"Liam I'll give you three seconds to open the door... 1....2...3?" The guard turned around and saw that I was alone, I did a little wave and smile. When wasn't looking Liam came up to him and hit him with a frying pan.

"Frying pans?! Who knew right?" I shrugged.

"There's no time to chat." He took out the key for my handcuffs and yelled. "Run!" I sprint out of the prison into the hanging room but there is hundreds of guards chasing down to catch me. I felt being lifted then lowered. It was Niall and Zayn.

"Head down." They said in unison.

"Head down." I copied their motions.

"Arms in."

"Arms in."

"Knees apart." They smirked.

"Knees apart. Knees apart?" I looked at them confused. "Why would I have my knees - AHHHH!" I was suddenly in the air. But now I feel like I'm on something I look down and it was Brit! "Brit you brought them here?" She nodded. "Thanks, but we should go Lounzel needs me!"

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