"Do you think we could make it?" I asked her out of nowhere.

I didn't even know what I meant. Did I mean could we make it out of the district in the woods? In the Capitol if we ran away? Or maybe through the games together?

"They wouldn't let us. You can only have one Victor, it's the only real rule. Other than the 60 second rule it's the only thing that is a definite thing," she stated, and looked at me with pure anger and misery laced in her usually beautiful eyes that turned grayish brown when she cries. They were a beautiful color but I wasn't happy that she had that color in her eyes. 

"Don't forget the no-canabalistic-Victor-rule," I joked with her, remembering one of the tributes from a few years back.

His name was Titus if I remember correctly and he had to be practically like shocked or something so they could get rid of the bodies before he could eat the dead tributes. He was wiped out by an avalanche, obviously a Gamemaker tool to get rid of the lunatic and to make sure their Victor wasn't insane.

Clove smiled and nodded at me, "Yeah, but anyways, may the odds be ever in our favor," she joked, mocking all of the escorts that constantly say 'may the odds be ever in your favor.'

I smiled at her and hugged her. Sometimes that was all you could do, just hold her to let her know that you were here and that she wasn't alone.

"I miss you," she whispered out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked her, completely confused.

"I'm sorry. I-it was nothing." She rushed nervously.

"What's wrong Clove, I'm still here."

"I was talking to my mother," she explained, "this is where she was murdered, and I feel like she is with me right now," she finished looking down to her feet, "You are probably thinking I'm insane."

"Not at all, I still feel like Liam is at the Justice Building. Every time I go there for my father I get this feeling of his spirit. I know he's not there but it just feels like he is," I confessed to Clove.

She nodded her head, understanding what I meant. She wiped a lone tear from her face and smiled at me, quickly hugging me.

"I have an idea." She said quickly and started running back to the school.

We ran through town and only slowed down when Clove stopped to help a man who had fallen on the pavement, after helping him she picked up running and we ran back to school. It amazes me that she could run in a skirt and those stupid shoes that she was given, but then I noticed that she wore combat boots like the guys.

I smiled and yelled to her, "Nice shoes Clover."

Turning her head she replied, "I know. I couldn't stand those other ones. The only good thing about them was that I learned how to throw them to do major damage. Now I can kill with a high heel if I can't get any knives in the Games I'll just ask for stilletoes," she laughed happily and loudly and finally slowed down to put her combination to get into school in the machine.

When the door opened she yanked me inside and walked quickly to the training gym. We walked in to find the same Capitol man that Clove threw a knife at arguing with Alex.

"You need to watch her. If you don't I will make sure that she goes down for this. Understand? I don't think you would want your little sister publicly executed," the man threatened before he saw Clove.

"I thought I made it clear that you are unwelcome amongst my family after you insulting our older sister," Clove boldly stated.

Out of nowhere she reached into her boot and pulled out a knife. She threw it at a target, and looked back to the man, "that could be you, granted, I wouldn't kill you and be sent to jail. But it would be amazing practice," she said, grinning evilly.

I was somewhat frightened by the person I saw I front of me. I had never seen Clove so angry and vicious. Something about this man was familiar, but not in a good way.

She saved me (Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now