Distant ✥ 12

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A U T H O R' S N O T E

Hey, my beautiful people! How's life treating you all? Je suis heureux! Did I mention I'm really exhausted right now? Haha well I fucking am 'cause I just attended a concert yesterday. (I skipped school even though I could have gotten expelled. Yes, my school's that strict). Like damn, the life of a fangirl is quite difficult sometimes. You don't know what to prioritize anymore haha. What type of music do you guys like? Tell me if you're like me haha...

Anyway, I updated another chapter again. [Yay! I hope you like/share it!]
If there are errors then please forgive it. Like I said before, English isn't my mother tongue.

Hope you guys like this chapter. I have been trying to find loop holes so I could update because I really want to finish this story. Though, my current situation is maddening. If you guys are a cheerleader, then I salute you haha. Cheerleading could be really hard and the schedule could be tight.
Anyway, enough of that crap. I'm so excited for this book! I really hope you guys stay tuned!
Thank you for supporting loves!
-Hannah 💖

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❝ Words are, in my opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of inflicting injury and remedying it.❞

-Albus Dumbledore

🐍 R.I.P. 🐍
Alan Rickman
1946 - 2016

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Chapter 12
Avalynn Johnson

             I woke up when the blinding rays of sun hit me. I mumbled and remembered what had happened last night. It had given me the chills when recalling the moments of fear.

Trying to be fully awake, I opened my eyes and immediately, the bright light was straining it and giving me discomfort.

I looked to my side and saw that Nolan was nowhere to be found. I reminisce how he brought me here as an act of kindness.

I knew that he was real and sincere last night. I truly felt it.

Though I ask, why is he being kind to me? To think, he's being like this after our bond breaking! How ironic! Does he feel something for me like my wolf does for him? Or does he want something from me?

Now that I thought of it, it was absolutely going to be awkward now. How am I going to face him? Though, I am actually thankful he stayed with me last night. I didn't care if he was gone by the morning. His intention to comfort me was one of the best things he has ever done.

The only reason why I broke down last night was because I recalled a memory. A memory that haunted me for years.

A member from my pack was killed.

It had scared me back then.

Rogues had attacked our pack awhile back and then she was gone in an instant. We were quite young when that happened. It all started when they invaded the inside of our pack. They surrounded us and murdered her in front of me. While her blood splattered over the walls, I was so sad and guilty because it was supposed to happen to me! Not her.

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