chapter 19

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Luna's pov
After I woke up I found myself back in the house. The last thing I remember was talking to Renee  before everything went black.
I tried getting  up but I had a massive headache. I then started to hear a ringing noise but I didn't know  where  it was coming from.  It had stop and thinking it was just my imagination I heard it again. I searched where it was coming from until o got the phone. I really don't know who would call but I answered either way.
"Luna you need to leave the island. Its not safe for you to be here. Your putting Kathy in danger . please just listen to me and leave." the person says hanging up. 
When did i get back to the house and why did Renee lie to me about making sure i would be there when something about Kathy came up.

Dean's pov
After talking to the doctor i was making sure that Kathy would be kept safe and that her treatment would be in tact. 

Right now i was thinking of a way to make Luna stay by my side no matter what. She needs to know that i have her in my hands now and she has no choice but to stay by my side as long as i want her too. 

After leaving the hospital i was heading to the house to see if Renee took seriously on what i told her. I have no idea id i can trust her now knowing her bond with Luna is growing. I see that she is like a sister to her and all but Renee knows i have her in my hands as well. She knows if she betrays me she will have her reputation ruined. 

Parking the car i enter the house to see Renee and Luna talking. I stay quiet and walk in quietly so they don't know i'm here. 

I really can't believe what i was hearing but they will pay for this. I really hope Luna knows whats coming. I really thought she had memory lost but i guess she thought she would get away. And Renee knew as well. I really can;t believe they think they will get away with this. Oh Luna you thought i was bad when you first meet me ,well now your going to see what i'm really capable of doing. Luna get prepared because after tonight your life will never be the same again. 

Merry Christmas everyone.  I appreciate if I got feedback so I know on how to  improve this story. What do you think will happen? Do you think Renee needs to end her friendship with Luna  for the sake of keeping Luna safe from Dean? please comment and vote. Sorry for the short chapter.

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