Chapter 11

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First of all, thank you all so much for your votes and lovely comments! I never thought the story is nearly as good as you say it is! :D Enjoy chapter 11!


Louis' POV

"No, no! Go on the left, go on the fucking left! NO! Ah, fuck you!" I yelled at the TV as I threw the joystick on a pile of clothes.

"It's not funny," I grumbled as I threw myself on my bed, while my roommate Zach was still rolling on the floor, laughing. What an asshole.

"It is! You've never been so bad at a video game before!" He laughed through the sentence as he sat on the floor.

"Because other games are good. This one sucks balls," I said, my words muffled by the duvet that was currently over my face.

It was Friday afternoon, which meant no more classes for two days. I'd had exams the whole week and 3 today, so I was planning on sleeping through the whole weekend. No football, no dumb video games, no Lore-

"Louis, do you hear that?" Zach said and I peeked at him from under the duvet, with a frown on my face.

"Hear what?"

"I think it's your phone."

I quickly shoved the quilt off of me, and pricked up my ears so I could get a hint of where the sound was coming from.

The music was quite audible, so I slid off my bed and started rummaging through the clothes on the floor, as that's where the music was coming from. Ugh, why couldn't I ever organize my stuff?

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break, as I'm leaving the one I want to take..." I quietly sang along with Isaac Slade, a little desperate by now. Where the fuck are you?! God!

"Ah, finally!" I sighed and fell back onto the pile of clothes as I found my iPhone, and frowned. Devon was calling me, why was he calling me?

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"Lou, hey! You ready for tonight?" Devon spoke, with an audible smile on his face. I frowned; what was going on tonight?

"Tonight? What about tonight?" I asked, dumbfounded.

I heard Devon sigh before speaking again.

"I knew this would happen," He muttered, and I don't think I was supposed to hear him. "We're going on a date with Caitlyn and Lorena, you dipshit."

I sat up, my eyes wide at his sentence. I had completely forgotten about that! And it was tonight?!

"Fuck," I muttered, already panicked slightly.

"Yeah. Be ready in an hour," Devon said, his voice a lot less excited than when I answered the phone call.

"Dev, I can't. I'm in a mess right now, can you move the date for like, tomorrow or something?" I said in a grumpy tone. I really didn't feel like going anywhere out of my bed tonight.

"Louis, you will get up and get ready for the date tonight. Or I'm telling her," Devon said in a warning tone and I immediately jumped up. I knew exactly what he meant by 'I'm telling her'.

"Alright, alright, don't piss yourself," I said, defeated.

"Great!" Devon said, his excitement audible again. "Meet me on the field in an hour and we'll go pick them up. See ya!"

"Bye," I sighed into the speaker and hung up. I sighed again and stood up, letting out a whiney noise as I made my way to the bathroom.

"What happened?" Zach asked, standing up as well.

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