New Addition ~ Marshawn Lynch for Tkai {lmfao_lol}

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Close your eyes and I'll close mine

Good night, sleep tight

Now the moon begins to shine

Good night, sleep tight

Dream sweet dreams for me

Dream sweet dreams for you

~ The Beatles


I watch a boy get smacked in the face with a basketball. The boy is not too happy about that, and before I know it, the boy has tackled another dude to the ground, pounding on him. My teacher rushes over to them, breaking up the fight. The boy's eyes meet mine as he gets dragged to the office.


I take my tray to the table where the boy is sitting. He looks up from his sandwich, meeting my eyes. I look away from him, blushing. "Can I sit here?" I ask shyly. Without a word, he scoots over, letting me sit next to him.

We finish our lunch in silence.


This goes on for a while. I'll go up to his lonely lunch table, and he'll scoot over, allowing me to sit. He'll finish his sandwich, and then he'll wait for me.

One day, I decide to ask him a question.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly. He swallows his food before speaking. "Marshawn. You?" He replies.


He looks at me blankly. "That's a nice name."

I look down, blushing. "Yours is too."

He nods before standing up, ready to throw away his trash. "You done?"

I nod, following suit. We walk over to the trash cans in silence. I ignore the snickers coming from the surrounding tables.

"He's such a freak. She is too if she wants to hang out with him. I guess ugly people stick together."

Marshawn turns around, face red with anger. He grabs the culprit by the collar, lifting him up from his seat. "What the hell did you just call her?"

The guy's eyes go wide. "Umm, nothing, man! I didn't mean it, honestly!"

Marshawn pulls him closer. "You can call me anything, but when you insult someone as beautiful as her, then you've crossed the line. Say that shit again, and you'll need a stretcher to get to your next class." He shoves the guy back in his seat. Tossing the trash away, he grabs my hand, leading me outside.

I blush as he takes me to the football field. He sits down on the bleachers, signaling me to do the same.

We sit in silence for a while.

"Thanks, uh, for what you did back there. No one's ever done that for me," I say quietly. He studies me for a second, before nodding, looking back onto the field.

He breaks the silence.

"You know what I like best about football?" He asks. I look at him, puzzled. He leans back, resting his head on his arms. Closing his eyes, he breathes deeply for a second.

"I like the feeling of being free."


"Tkai! Babe, come here!" I hear Marshawn shout from the bedroom. Shutting off the TV, I make my way up the steps and open the bedroom door. "What is it?" I say as I plop onto the bed. He sit s down next to me; a giant grin etches its way onto his face.

"I just got the call that I'm eligible for the draft!" He says happily. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "I knew you could do it, I knew you could," I mumble. He runs his hand through my hair, and I snuggle into his warmth.

We stay that way for a while.


I look at my reflection in the mirror. I straighten out my dress, making sure everything's perfect for him.

A knock sounds on my door, and it opens, revealing my dad. He gives me a smile.

"Tkai, honey, it's time."

I nod my head, giving my dad a giant smile. He looks at me before bringing me into his arms.

I feel his tears on my exposed shoulder as he cries. I rub his back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"I can't believe my little princess is getting married."

I pull away, looking at him. "Dad, I love you so much."


My hand shakes as I read the pregnancy test in my hand. My mouth opens, tears springing to my eyes.


I sink to the floor, sobs drowning out any disturbances around me.


I shake nervously as the Superbowl approaches an end. I see Marshawn on the sideline, staring down defense.

The Seahawks are up against the 49ers 42-35.

It's the last minute, and there's most likely no way the 49ers offense is going to score.

The Seahawks fans around me are cheering their butts off, and I join them when the clock ticks down to the last seconds.

The Seahawks have won their second straight Superbowl in a row.

The confetti falls, and friends, families, and fans rush out onto the field. I look around, trying to find Marshawn. I'm successful in my search.

Marshawn spots me as soon as I spot him, and he rushes through the mass of people. He picks me up off of the ground, swinging me around. When he puts me down, we lock our lips together.

"You did it, baby, you did it!" I say. He smiles at me, kissing my cheek.

"We did it, Tkai. We did."


I walk into the locker room quietly. It's pretty much empty, save for a few players.

I greet them as they head out. Sitting near Marshawn's locker, I nervously bite my lip.

This is where I'm going to tell him that a new addition's going to be here soon.

Marshawn walks out of the showers, towel wrapped around his waist. He smiles at me, drying his hair with another towel.

"I'm almost done baby girl," he says. I stand up quickly, wiping my sweaty palms on the front of my jeans. "Marshawn, I have to tell you something important."

Marshawn turns around expectantly, suddenly interested in what I have to say.

"Baby, I'm pregnant."

His eyes go wide. A smile makes its way slowly onto his face. He wraps me in a hug.

"Are you serious? You're not joking with me, right?" He asks. I shake my head, smiling.

He sinks down onto a chair. "Jesus."

I look at him, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

He scratches the back of his head. "What a hell of a day."


Hey Tkai {lmfao_lol}! Hope you liked your imagine! My apologies for not putting it up sooner! :)

Thanks for reading!

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