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ALLISON SAT ON the hood of Bella's car with Bella standing in front of her. Allison was indulged in a book while Bella looked deep in thought. "I think I'm gonna confront Edward today. You know, ask him what his deal is." Bella voiced her thoughts to her fair skinned friend.

Allison looked up from her book, tussles of chocolate curls falling into her face, "Good. I'm glad you're sticking up for yourself." She said once she had brushed the hair from her face, an act that was becoming a habit.

Bella smiled and was about to say something else, but she was cut off by the Cullen's pulling into the high school parking lot. The brunettes watched as Emmett jumped down from the jeep and Jasper exited the driver's side. This was when the rest of the Cullen's lost Allison's attention. Allison watched Jasper as he ran his hand through his waved hair and laughed at something Emmett said, an action that seemed slightly out of place on his face. Allison watched as Emmett glanced at her and she looked away quickly, not quickly enough though, as Allison saw Emmett nudge Jasper and say something in his ear. Jasper scowled at Emmett and shoved him lightly in response before glancing at Allison and causing a smile to fill up the fair brunette's face. She waved at him from her spot atop the rusty truck and he grinned at her as he took in her slightly flushed cheeks.

Allison glanced back down at Bella, only to see her smirking at the taller girl. "What?" Allison asked, her voice unusually high-pitched.

"You know what," was Bella's smug response.

"I hate to break it to you, Bells, but it looks like you've gotta save your confrontation for later." Allison informed Bella as she leap from the hood of the truck, referring to Edward's absence. Bella turned to see what Allison had noticed a moment ago; not only were all the Cullen's staring at the duo, but Edward was missing.

Allison noticed Bella deflate at this and threw her arm around the shorter girl's shoulder as the two walked toward the building; Allison feeling the burning eyes of Jasper on her back the entire way. The girls entered the building and separated, headed off to different classes.

Allison walked into her AP History class and hugged her leather jacket closer to her body, seeking warmth because of the chill in the room. The brunette made her way to her seat in the back, smiling back at the slightly familiar faces that smiled at her in greeting. Allison sat down quickly and quietly placed her books on the table. She fiddled with her jacket sleeve as she waited for class to start.

"What, no 'good morning?'" A now familiar voice interrupted the girl's fiddling.

Allison jumped at the sudden sound. "Good morning, Jasper," She greeted sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

Allison gained a smiled from the boy, "Mm, better," Jasper teased the curly haired girl before the bell rang, signaling the start of class.

"Okay, class," Ms. Rosewood started, "Who can tell me what event started the Civil War?"

"Fort Sumter," Allison and Jasper spoke in unison, before exchanging challenged glances.


The rest of the day was uneventful after Allison's competition with Jasper in History. The girl was seated at the lunch table with Bella and their new friends as they spoke of something easily; Allison nor Bella were listening, they were concocting reasons for why Edward Cullen could be absent.

"Okay so, we've concluded that's it's not because of you, because to think that —"

"Is highly egotistical and stupid," Bella finished Allison's statement. "So that leaves disease, death, or injury."

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