Chapter Twenty One: The Forest of CAHOOTS.

Start from the beginning

As we walked through the forest, hoping to attract the attention of a squad with an Earth scroll, I couldn't help but wonder how Charlie's team were doing. Who was in Charlie's team, anyway? I assumed that that guy with the same hair as her was in her team, but she was otherwise mixed in with the Konoha eleven so I was unsure who the third teammate was. Was it Zoey? Something told me it wasn't. I don't know why, but I could somehow feel it in my bones that Zoey wasn't anywhere in the Leaf Village. But where was she if not here?

Trying to distract myself from the worrying thought, I focused my brain back on Charlie. What scroll did she have? If any. She might have gotten it stolen from her already- hopefully her teammates wouldn't trust her to look after it. But who knew? She may have become a formidable ninja in the time that passed since I last saw her.


I didn't know how I knew, but I did.

Charlie's team had an Earth scroll.

I stopped, frowning. Why did I know that? I was absolutely certain, one hundred percent that I was right, but the question remained of just how these answers kept popping into my brain. Was it because of the same thing that helped me dodge projectiles before I even registered that they were coming toward me? It was spooky; like I had a pair of eyes in the back of my head that I never quite realised were there. I had, when I first acknowledged this ability, put it down to fast reactions, but with this and then the vision, maybe that wasn't so. Maybe there was more to supposedly being a part of this 'Hebi' clan that Pein spoke of than I first thought.

"Woo-ooo!" Deidara was waving his hand in my face, and I blinked, batting him away as he went to poke me in the eye. "About time! You could get yourself killed like that you know!"

I just stared at him, eyes glazed, and he started to fidget awkwardly, a slight red tinge to his face. His eyes suddenly widened.

"Ichigo! Watch-" he cut off as I dropped to a squat and flipped sideways,skidding and missing the three shuriken with seconds to spare. "...out." he frowned, "How the heck do you do that?"

I frowned too, "I don't actually know." the automatic dodging and spinning and throwing of my own kunai only worsened my mood, as whoever was throwing them decided to throw more. I dropped and straightened, glaring. "If it didn't work the first time it's not gonna work the next three fucking times! Get out here!"

A young girl, looking about nine, dropped from her perch in the tree, a scared look on her face. I faltered- was she the one to throw those kunai and shuriken? But she was so innocent-looking! What was a tiny girl like her doing in the Chunin exams?!

I glanced at her headband, that was tied aroung her left ankle. Stone shinobi. Why would anyone let such a small child be corrupted by these exams? I couldn't help the disgust that balled in my throat.

"Kuraiton! Kage Torenchi!" (Darkness style! Shadow trench) she shouted, her childlike voice making the attack only more surprising as the ground shook. My eyes widened as my shadow spread, taking on a shape that was deifintely not as it should be, and shadows from the trees joined onto it, as though it was sucking them in. I cursed and leapt at my teammates, knocking them away as the shadow shape became a bottomless chasm- only demonstrated by the pebbles and leaves that we watched fall down it.

"Well, shit. Now I know why such a little kid is in the Chunin exams, un..." Deidara muttered, as we three all stood up carefully. Sasori analysed her a moment, before speaking in a low voice,

"As it stands, we are at a disadvatage. She has all these shadows to work with..." he sighed, then looked at me, "We'll have to rely on you for this one."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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