2: Is it possible to cover up an alien crash site within half an hour?

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A/N:  frank lives kinda off the suburbs in new jersey but it's like off on the edge near the woods like where i used to live, where there's not really any close neighbors. just in case you were wondering why no one's come investigating yet :^)


Frank stayed up all night going over the events of that day. He was laying in bed in the dark, and the last time he checked what time it was his phone told him 4:30, but he was sure at least an hour had passed since then. He believed he had gotten over the actual shock of aliens by now, (at least he was trying to make himself believe that he had) and had gone over the memories of what had happened in his mind at least a hundred times. But for the life of him he couldn't remember what he was doing before it actually happened. He scrunched his eyebrows together and wracked his brain.

Oh shit.

That's right.


He was cleaning.

But why was he cleaning?

He absentmindedly checked his phone again, and there it was.

5:21 am, but no, that wasn't it. It was what was beneath it.

5:21 am, Sunday, October 31st.


It was his birthday.

And his parents were coming over.

And then his friends were coming over.

And Zero was here.

He sat up and looked down to the foot of the bed. Zero was curled up in one of Frank's spare blankets, snoring softly. Frank still felt weird about them being there. It was like a dog. Originally, he had tried to get Zero to sleep on the couch. He'd set up the pillows and blankets and everything. He even fed them before he went to bed, giving them a big bowl of Lucky Charms right after their "bath". Confident that Zero could handle the rest of their nighttime routine by themself, Frank headed to his own bed.

When he first heard the shuffling, followed by soft steps down the hallway, Frank wasn't very surprised. He'd left his door about halfway open, and the round, red-haired face peeked in only moments later. Zero looked nervous, but when they saw Frank they smiled. They pushed the door open and padded across the room to the bed. Frank had given them a spare pair of his pajama pants and an old sweatshirt, and even though they were too small it was better than nothing. At least, Frank tried to convince himself of that.

Regardless, Zero reached the bed and pounced onto it like a child, sending Frank's small body a few inches up into the air. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Go to bed," he said halfheartedly through his laughter, waving a hand at Zero.

Zero was laying on their side at the foot of the bed, smiling up at Frank.

But after Zero had remained in his room for over an hour, Frank realized they weren't planning on going anywhere. He rubbed his heavy lidded eyes, sighed, then got up and yanked on one of Zero's arms.

"Go to bed, seriously this time. I'm tired," he grumbled.

Zero gave in after a moment and let Frank lead them back to the couch. They plopped down on the cushion, not lifting their eyes to look at Frank.

Frank sighed again, "Goodnight, Zero," he said quietly, and returned to his room.

It had to have been barely fifteen minutes before Zero was back hovering in his doorway.

"What now?" Frank groaned.

He didn't sit up this time, rather closed his eyes and turned his face more into the pillow, pulling up the blankets to cover his head. He heard the footsteps anyway, and felt the leaning of the mattress as Zero sat down on the end. He could feel their eyes on him, but didn't move.

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