"Both of them colognes better be for me!" Melrose barks.

I look down feeling a little embarrassed. "One is.  It's just that....Can I please give this to Majesty as a sorry gift or you can at least give this to him for me, as like a peace offering for what I did to him?"

"Nah, I like y'all on bad terms cause that means that we will  have a better chance of working out. Majesty ain't gon be tempted or missing someone who hurt him and ain't say sorry, so lets keep it like that." Melrose tells me.

After we leave the store Melrose drives to a gated luxurious house. 

"Come on." Melrose instructs me.

I get out the car, pulling down my skirt, trying to keep up with Melrose. "Whose house is this?" I ask, holding Melrose's arm.

Melrose knocks on the door. "Alize's. You're here to apologize, remember?"

I roll my eyes and nod. A brown skin chick comes to the door. She has a bangin body and a pretty ass face. 

"Hey ,Lashawnda." Melrose hugs her. "Alize, home?"

"She's at the studio but she should back any minute. I was just cooking her breakfast, y'all could come in though." Lashawnda holds the door open for me and Melrose to come in.

The house is very big, beautiful, and home like. There's a toddler on a blanket, on the floor, playing with building blocks, and watching cartoons. 

"Aw, he's cute. Is this your son?" I ask,  picking up the baby.

"Yeah, his name is Quamari." Lashawnda answers, heading back into the kitchen. 

I sit on the floor playing with Quamari. Melrose sits on the couch and goes through her phone. Lashawnda is wearing a cute little maids outfit, has her hair and make up done, and is setting the table with a delicious breakfast. She picks up Quamari and places him in his high chair.

"Y'all hungry?" Lashawnda asks.

"I can eat." I get up and head over to the table.

Lashawnda feeds Quamari and herself at the same time.

"Is it hard being a mom?" I ask Lashawnda, feeling a bit envious.

"Umm, it can be at times but you get use to it. It's like as you do it everyday, there's tricks you learn to make things a lot easier but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my son." Lashawnda tells me.

"I'm currently pregnant with twins and honestly, I'm kinda scared." I confess to Lashawnda.

"Girl, I know nothin about the twin life. One is hard enough for me but as long as you have help, you good." Lashawnda looks over at Melrose whose sitting on the couch, still on her phone.

"Mel, you ain't hungry?" I ask, stuffing my face with food.

"Nah." Melrose shakes her head without breaking focus on her phone.

Alize walks through the door, dressed real fly, and looking sexy but don't worry, I lowkey hate her so I ain't gon try nothin. She slaps hands with Melrose and freezes when she sees me.

"Jade, came here to apologize." Melrose says.

I swallow hard and look down nervously. "Yeah, umm, I'm sorry Alize. I probably should've acted more maturely that night. I just had a lot going on so once again, I apologize." I say.

"Y'all together?" Alize ignores my apology and asks Melrose.

"We're workin on us but one of the compromises was for Jade to apologize to you." Melrose tells Alize.

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