Chapter 5- Problems Part 2

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Your POV

Honestly, I'm getting sick of that ninja. He always showed up at the worst moments! Me about to get bitten, and then me waking up with a huge hole in my roof. "What is with that guy...?" I wondered.

*another time skip to school*

I brushed past Randy in the hall, but I didn't bother saying anything. I was too busy thinking about this Ninja guy. "Hey, Y/N....." Randy's voice trailed off as I kept walking. "What's wrong?" he asked, quickly catching up.

"Nothing," I said firmly. Actually.... "Now that I think about it, yeah. I know this is going to sound stupid, but what do you know about the Norrisville Ninja?"

"Weeell, he's the brucest guy I know, he saves the school basically every day from McFist and the Sorcerer..." Randy slapped a hand over his mouth. I wonder why....

Randy's POV

Oh, man, I shoobed up big time! The Nomicon was going to be really mad at me...! I can't believe I just revealed Ninja secrets to a new girl I just met! I thought to myself. "McFist? Isn't he supposed to be some huge gazillionaire? I doubt he would try to destroy just some random high school. He's probably too busy with McFist Industries," Y/N had her arms crossed over her chest and was staring at me with wide, disbelieving E/C eyes.

"Uh, yeah!" I laughed nervously. "I don't even know why I said that in the first place! McFist definitely doesn't work for the Sorcerer to destroy the Ninja!" AH! Why do I keep spilling Ninja secrets?!?!

"Oddly specific, Randy," she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know me!" I laughed again. "Super specific Randy, that's what they call me!"

"Cunningham, no one calls you that! You're never specific! If anything, you're the complete opposite of specific!" Great. The worst honkin' moment for Howard to show up.

"What the juice, Howard! I was talking to Y/N!" I glared at him to shut up. I silently dared him to say anything else. He took the dare.

"You're so not-specific, people need to ask you to be more specific!"

"Howard, shut your wonked-up mouth!"

"So, if I'm getting my facts straight, since you're not specific, what you said McFist and this 'Sorcerer' guy is true?" Y/N said, her arms still crossed but her eyes now glaring at both of us.

"What the huh?! Cunningham, what did you tell her?!" Howard stared in disbelief.

"She wasn't going to figure anything out until you came!"

"Uh, 'she' is right here, so can you puh-leez tell me what the juice you guys are talking about?" Y/N cut in, pine green eyes darting back in forth between us. Wait, I thought her eyes were E/C....

As if she saw the confused look on my face, her eyes widened and her irises changed back to their normal E/C. I probably just imagined the whole 'eye color change' thing. And I should probably mind wipe her just to make sure she doesn't remember anything Howard and I told her. "I- uh, have to go. I'll be right back!" I raced off to the bathroom.

When I got there, I went into a stall and pulled out the Nomicon. "Okay, I may or may not have told this new girl at school one or two Ninja secrets. I don't know why though! I'm usually pretty good at keeping the secrets!" My voice cracked a little, I was so nervous about what the Nomicon was going to say. I opened the book, and I was shloomped inside.

I crashed down onto the rock floor. "Owwwwww, Nomicon! Would it kill you to give me a pillow to land on?" A ocean of water crashed on my head. "Apparently so," I said.

The familiar scrawl of words flew in front of me: 'A Ninja's choices determine the outcome of a battle. It always pays to know who a Ninja can trust." As usual, it made no sense. A doodle appeared behind me. It was a girl, smiling and waving. The doodle Ninja came up to her and waved back. All of a sudden, the girl changed into a monster and sliced doodle-ninja in half. "Okay! So I should mind wipe Y/N?" A new ninja came into view. He looked surprised and gave me a thumbs-up. "Yes! Aced it!" The ninja shook his head. "B-ced it!" That got a nod.

Now I just need to find Y/N.

Your POV

Oh, cheese.... I guess Randy isn't the only one who's slipping up today. I let my eyes change! I can't just go around with eyes changing color like that! People will ask questions....and I'll have to leave again. Randy ran up to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey, uh, Y/N, can you come with me for a minute?" I didn't want to trust him, but I still did anyway.

"Uh, sure?"

"Great!" I grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the school and into a small, hidden corner of the building. We sat on the grass; I was a little more hesitant. He pulled out his math book, for some reason.

Randy's POV (sorry yours was short but you'll see why I needed I change it)

"Here, open it. Any page. It doesn't matter," I said, handing her the Nomicon, which was in disguise.

"Okay...?" She slowly took the book from my hand. Her finger ran over my thumb and sent a jolt of electricity shooting up my arm. It kind of hurt, really.

She opened the book and collapsed against the wall. Her eyes rolled back into her head, like Howard said I did.
But then something happened that Howard never mentioned, probably because it had never happened before: the whites of her eyes turned a neon shade of green, the exact same color as stank! The Nomicon must be doing something bad to her! I snatched the book out of her arms and was shloomped in for the second time that day.


I'm so mean :D Also, Chapter 6 will be out by next Wednesday!

And don't forget to:

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Until next time, my narwhals ✌🏻️

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