Beanie's Trip to Hogsmeade

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      Luna and Ginny stared straight at Hermione. Then the carriage behind them came to a slow cruise. Hermione jumped in and looked around to see what new people were on it. It turned out that Neville was sitting alone in it, reading a book about herbology. Hermione said "Hello, Neville!" Neville then raised his head from his book and looked at Hermione. "Oh, umm, hi Hermione!" Neville wasn't used to having anybody on the ride with him, so it took him by surprise.

      Hermione asked "Can I sit down?" Neville answered "Uh, yeah... Go ahead." He said "Why aren't you with Ginny? No affense, I like company, but you just usually are with Ginny or Harry." Hermione sat down across from Neville and started explaing; "Ginny, Luna and I, saw something gold, an animal of some sort, in the window of the carriage ahead of us. So I jumped out and tried to run to the carriage, but then they started moving, so I could only jump into yours because it was going slow. Thanks for letting me stay in here!" Neville answered "Oh, yeah. You're welcome."

      Hermione pulled out a copy of "Hogwarts a History". She loved that book, even though mostly boring to other people, she still did. Neville pulled open his herbology book, and both started reading. It seemed like a long ride because they didn't talk at all, but finnaly they arrived in Hogsmeade. Hermione said a short and simple "Bye! Thanks again!" to Neville and hopped off.

      She skimmed the crowd of Hogwarts students and spotted Ginny's red hair. She ran over to her and found Luna beside Ginny. Hermione said "Hello!" Ginny and Luna looked a bit worried. They asked her urgently "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm okay!" I hopped in the carriage behind you and found Neville sitting in it." "Oh, good!" Ginny and Luna looked relieved. Hermione suddenly shouted "Did you find Beanie?!?!" "Yeah, we did. After the passengers got off,we got in the carriage before it left and found him in it." I put him in my bag, but I don't think he'll last long in there." "We better hurry so I can get him back to Hogwarts," Luna said "lets go to Honeydukes to get some chocolate for Beanie!" Ginny said "Oh, good, I've been craving some chocolate frogs for a while!" Hermione then said "Ooh, then can we go to the Three Broomstix to get some butterbeer?" Luna answered "Sure! Then after that, it should be about time to head back to Hogwarts, then we'll stop and get Beanie a cage!"

      The three girls set off down the road to Honeydukes. On their way, they chatted about the latest quidditch game, and who they think they would win the next.

      When they arrived at Honeydukes they opened the door and heard the bell attached ring. Luna knew exactly where the chocolate was (the left of the shop) and walked over to the wall of different chocolates. She skimmed the rows of desserts and found the chocolate frogs near the bottom. She reached for them and walked to the counter on the opposite side of the shop. She gave the clerk a sickle and showed him the frogs. He silenty nodded and Luna slowly slipped 2 into her bag for Beanie. She heard him unwrap 1 frog and start munching down. She giggled the slightest, and then remembered she still needed to buy a cage. 

      She found Ginny and Hermione at the back of the shop buying some Bertie Bots Every Flavored Beans. Ginny greeted her with "Oh, hi Luna! I was just buying some jellybeans." Luna smiled in reply and handed Hermione and Ginny each a frog, leaving her with 15 more. They both said "Thanks Luna!" Luna said "Welcome..... Hey, you want to go get some butterbeer now?" "Sure!". Luna said "After that I have to get a cage for Beanie."

      Luna, Ginny, and Hermione all set off once again down the cold streets of Hogsmeade to the Three Broomstix to get some butterbeer. Beanie was rustling around in Luna's bag (assumably looking for the other chocolate frog) when they entered the shop. They walked to the back of the pub and found a table that sat five. Ginny and Hermione sat down while Luna went up to the counter to buy the three butterbeers. On her way back to the table -butterbeers in each hand and one under her arm- she saw Harry walk in with Ron. Luna hurried back to the booth and set the glasses down. She said to Ginny "Guess who's here?" Ginny responded "Who?".  Luna said "Harry."    "Really,- said Hermione- well, I guess it makes sense. He does come here almost every Hogmeade visit."

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