Tattered Hat!

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Hey Guys. I know the first few chapters have been boring for you all. If you have decided not to read then i understand. You just need to know that she isn't pretending to be Malfoy's cousin but she's pretending to be Bellatrix's daughter. That's why Dumbledore calls her Miss Lestrange. Also Snape thinks that she is Bella's daughter because that's her identity. Only the Malfoys, Lestranges, Wormtail and her dad (Obviously) knows who she really is. Everyone else thinks she is a Lestrange. You should read this chapter as the end is different than the end from Persuasive. From now on the chapters are going to be different from the ones in Persuasive. So yeah enjoy ...


I walked with Harry and his stupid friends to Hogwarts. I have to admit that the castle was impressive. It was so beautiful and that’s a compliment. It takes a lot to impress me. We reached the entrance and headed in through the door. Guess who was outside waiting for me. Professor Snape was standing there and to my luck staring right at me. Then the worst happened I started to look at him with my evil smirk, the one my dad taught me and started to walk towards him. You could tell he was frightened because he went extremely pale. Then it happened I started to walk towards him and continued to stare straight at him. I didn’t notice the foot that was sticking out in front of me and I fell flat on my face in front of everyone. I looked up to see two buffoons laughing at me.

‘Crabbe, Goyle go to the hall and try not cause any more trouble while your there.’ A bored, cold voice said.

They both left and I saw the tall figure of Snape blocking my view. Then he extended his hand. I took it and it was warm and it sent tingles all over my body. He took his hand away from my grip immediately and had a shock look all over his face. I stumbled a bit but then caught my balance. I looked at Snape’s face and he had a big smirk all over it. Keep Calm. If I don’t keep calm then my eyes will turn a blazing red colour and then he will figure out who I really am.

‘Well Sir what can I do for you?’ I said hoping I didn’t sound too angry.

‘I’m too escort you too Professor McGonagall so then she can sort you into the houses. You know what the houses are or have you been to busy whoring around at your old school to know what they are.’  He said while starting to walk away at a quick pace. I had to follow him so I wouldn’t get lost.

‘How dare you say that? You don’t even know me? I can assure you that I don’t whore around or have I ever. I can also tell you I know perfectly well what the houses are.’

‘Well, you nearly had me believing you then but I’m not easily fooled Miss Malfoy. Oh been doing your research have we? Well then please enlighten me with what you know’

‘You can believe what you want but I know who I am and I don’t care what your opinion of me is. Yes I have, Huffelpuff are noble, Ravenclaw are for the brainy, Gryffindor are for the Brave and last but not least Slytherin are for the Sick and twisted-minded’ I said, I hated insulting Slytherin because I am the heir and every time I do insult Slytherin I have the urge to vomit like every time I see a muggle. But it has to be done to keep up with my façade.

‘Oh you think that Slytherin are sick and twisted-minded do you? What will the dark lord think of that? Since you attend the meetings like everyone else. You must follow the dark lord. He won’t be too impressed if you insult the dark lords house will he?’ He said with a slight amusement in his voice. ‘You know I was in Slytherin in my younger days and I am head of Slytherin now.’

‘I only got to those meetings because my mum Bellatrix and my dad make me go. They would torture me if I don’t go. It’s less hassle if I just go there and pretend to worship him.’

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