Chapter 5 ~ Under Attack

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Chapter 5 ~ Abbegael

An imposing shadow looms over me as I finally force my eyes open. Blazing red irises glare down at me out of the black shadows surrounding me. My heart beat spikes as fear rushes through me. I know what happens next. He found me. He knows I was trying to escape. Now I will pay. Resignation fills me as I feel the restraints around my wrists, arms, ankles, legs, torso, chest and head. There is no way out, even for me, there is never a way out.

Light blinds me for a moment as he adjusts the room to his liking, my bare body lying directly under the blazing white light. I wish, as always, that my eyes wouldn't adjust, that I could remain in the dark. But nothing goes the way I want it to when he is like this. I see the tray by my side filled with blades and jagged instruments, poisons and needles, all ready and waiting to feel my skin beneath them.

A shudder runs through me. Bile rising in my throat as he leans over the tray, slowly running his hands over the instruments, gently caressing his favourites, before finding the first injection he will need. By now I know what it is; I know what it will do. The immobiliser I call it. I don't know what it is exactly, just that it burns as it makes its way through my blood freezing my body in place, leaving only my head free so I am forced to witness everything he does and so he can hear my every scream.

He Stabs the 3 inch needle into the veins in my wrist, making no effort to be gentle, the sting of the cold steel burrowing through my skin is nothing compared to the burning of the contents as it begins its journey through my blood, reaping havoc on my body as it removes any control I had over my own body. The only thing it leaves behind is the ability to feel pain. I know this for certain as he picks up the next injection, not bothering to cover the wound left by the first. Blood runs down my wrist, pooling in my hand, before slowly dripping from my fingertips. I try to concentrate on the drip drip of my own blood as he stabs the second needle into my other wrist. This one is worse than the first. A scream escapes my lips despite my best attempts. His face lights with a smirk as he finishes plunging the poison into my body.

My entire body is burning. Every nerve ending alight. Injection 2: heightened sensitivity. Just to ensure I feel absolutely everything. The lightest brush of steel on my skin and my heart jolts. Breathing hitches. Without it I would make it through his administrations. I would maintain control. But with this heightened sensitivity...I'm not strong enough. When I feel blood running in equal amounts down each hand, I know it's time. Unable to close my eyes, I watch as he picks up the first jagged instrument. A normal blade just like mine. However this one has been altered so different length spines are in place of the smooth blade. My heart rate picks up. Thumping against my chest. Trying to escape. To get away before he digs that into my flesh. His white teeth flash as he looms over me blade in hand. He places his right hand on my bare stomach. Cold hands sending goose bumps skittering across my skin. His left hand brings the jagged blade gently down to rest against the already scarred flesh.

He drags it lightly across my skin. Putting no pressure. Already my body screams in pain. I hold my breath. Waiting. With a sudden jerk, I feel my body being sawn in half. My muscles clench as he puts all his weight on the blade. Digging the roughly cut teeth in. But worse is to come. With his weight on the blade. Teeth in my right side. He drags the blade across my stomach. Right to left. Tearing the skin into strips. Tearing open any organs too close to the surface. A piercing scream fills the air as I struggle to keep my mind clear. Prevent the desperate fear from taking over my mind.

A hand hits my face. Leaving my head rocking from the impact. The blade the accompanied the hit barely registering, until I feel the warm liquid pouring down my cheek. Already I wish he would just kill me. The worst part is knowing that he won't. That I will suffer through this and worse until my body is slick with its own blood. Until my brain shuts down from the pain and blood loss. Until I can't scream anymore. Then he will use me to destroy the one thing that I love. My only home. Heaven.

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