"Yeah sure." He guessed it only made sense that they'd sit in the back together. They were a couple after all but it still it would have been nice to not be seated so close to Dan. Maybe he could talk one of them into leaving early. Phil was already planning his exit when Dan turned up the radio.

"Muse, Phil loves Muse, don't you Phil?" PJ said from the back, he'd changed his relaxed position slightly. Instead he was practically leaning over the driver seat.

"Lots of people like Muse, calm down PJ." Dan rolled his eyes, turning it up more in hopes that he could drown out their voices. He was still somewhat pissed that they had to take Phil with them. He sighed, focusing on the road.

"So where are we eating?" PJ added, apparently not picking up on Dan's need for silence. "I wanted pizza. What do you want Chris?"
"I don't care, Phil?" Chris asked, moving to get closer to Phil in the passenger seat. Phil smiled softly before shaking his head.

"I don't care." The last thing he was worried about was where he wanted to eat. Really he was so worked up that he didn't feel too hungry. "Pizza is fine."

"Dan, pizza?" PJ asked cautiously, someone would seriously have to be stupid not to pick up on the atmosphere in the car.

"Sure." And like that Dan is taking a left turn to the nearest pizza place. Anything to get out of the car and away from Phil.

Of course what he wasn't banking on was that the pizzeria only had booths open. "Oh my god." He mumbled as the waitress went over their seating options. "Are you sure you don't have any tables?" Dan asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Well you can wait for one but it could be fifteen minutes." She said apologetically and Dan knew nobody wanted to wait fifteen minutes to sit down and order. "A booth is the only thing we have open right now."

"A booth is fine." PJ piped up, sending a sideways glance to Dan. "Anywhere is fine." Of course it could only get worse from there. While PJ and Chris slid into one side Dan and Phil awkwardly attempted sit on the other side. At first the two of them went to slide in at the same time, which ended in them bumping into each other.

"Sorry I-"

"You go first-"

"No its fine I..."

"Really just sit-"

Again the two of them bumped into each other as they attempted to climb in at the same time. "Just sit down Phil." Dan mumbled as he stepped away from the booth, not giving the omega any other option. Phil nodded, a flush on his face as he seated himself on the far side of the both.

Dan sat down next to him, still trying to keep as much space between them as possible. Still it was too close not to be able to smell Phil's scent. He wished he could drown it out but there was no chance. Dan hated to admit it but he found that he almost enjoyed the sweet sugar spun smell.

"So what do we want?" PJ asked trying to ignore how awkward the two had just been. "Peperoni?" He suggested, glancing around the small seating space.

"I don't' care." Chris said, sending him a brief smile.
"Whatever is fine?" Dan deadpanned. PJ frowned before his eyes met Phil's, hoping he'd at least offer a suggestion.

"Whatever you want." Phil mumbled as his fingers danced across a napkin on the table.

"Am I the only one who cares around here?" PJ huffed as he flipped open a menu. "Do we just want to share a large pizza then?" The group nodded in agreement.

Phil didn't think he'd ever experienced something so painstaking before. Chris and PJ attempted to make conversation with them but Dan and Phil didn't have much to say. So the majority of the time was spent eating in silence. Every once in a while somebody would joke about something but after a small collective laugh the silence returned. PJ and Chris shared concerned looks but didn't say anything else.

"Napkin?" Dan asked, finally turning to Phil who in exchange gave him a confused look. "Can you pass me a napkin?" Dan repeated slower this time.

"Oh! Yeah here." Phil didn't know why it had taken his brain such a long time to process the information but as soon as he did he was handing a few napkins to the other. Dan took them without saying anything before wiping his hands down.

Phil had never been on a date nor had he been on a double date, but if dating someone who hated him was something he was into, well it had been pretty successful to be honest. Dan even paid half the check with PJ. Of course Phil had offered but neither of the two alphas appeared to be listening. They piled back into the car, Phil in the front again with the other two in the back and Dan driving.

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