BabyGirl ❀ Chapter Fifteen•

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Chapter 15
September 25, 2016

A day of eating junk food and playing arcade games finally comes to an end and I can finally say that I've actually had a good day in this house. Fortunately Mr.Styles was out all day and Cat didn't care to bother us so Harry gave her the day off as well.

"What do you want to eat?" Harry asks looking over his shoulder. I shrug and start spinning around on the stool. "Pasta, seafood, pizza? I dont know." He pulls the ingredients out for a pizza and sets them out on the counter in front of me.

"Around eleven or so tonight I'm having a party so your going to stay in your room and you will not come out." After we have both made our individual pizzas, Harry places them in the oven and walks back over to the counter to put everything away. "Why do I have to stay in my room?"

"Because I said so, that's why."

"Im still coming out." I mutter. I haven't been out this house in a month. I've been couped up like a caged dog and I'm sick of it. "I don't want to stay in that room and I will not. I haven't been out of this house and haven't socialized wth anyone besides you three. You're ruining my social life." he scoffs under his breath and folds his arms across his chest while narrowing his eyes at me.

"The people I'm having over are not the people you should be associating yourself with." I dramtically roll my eyes and purse my lips. How can he tell me who and who aren't the right people I should hang out with? If I want to talk to someone I will because that is my prerogative.

"Oh, like you're any better then?" he nods his head cockily and smirks. "Actually I am. So like I said you will not leave your room and you will lock your door for the entirety of the party, got that?"

"We'll see about that."

Harry takes the pizza we made from out of the oven and slices them. He grabs two plates from the cabinet and slides me three slices. The two of us eat our pizza in silence, not really having anything to talk about. Once finished we both go our seperate ways, me going up to my room and Harry going down into the cellar to bring drinks up for his party.

Over the course of two hours music has started to blare throughout the extravigantly large house and chatter has began picking up both up and down stairs. I'm so tempted to leave this room.

By the sounds of it, the party seems extremely fun and im hingry and there is no food in here.

I've tried watching t.v. but the party is just too loud, even with the volume all the way up I still can't hear it. With light footsteps, I pad over to the door and lowly turn the lock to unlock the door. My hand hesitates on the knob for a few minutes, being too scared to open the door. I eventually turn it in my hands and slowly open it but only wide enough so I can peek one eye out to see whats going on.

People are littered all over the house; the hallways, the staircase, and the backyard. Most definately they're probably in every other room in the house but I'm just not able to see anything but those three locations. I shut my door and lock it close but only for a few seconds to retrieve the key.

Before leaving out of the room, I throw on a black sweatshirt trying my hardest not to draw any attention from anyone.

Once out of my room I lock it close behind me and make my way downstairs.

In order to even make it down the stairs I had to push through a minimum of seventy-five people, and that was less than fifty feet. What normally takes a fifteen secind jog from the kitchen to my room actually turns into five minutes of me squeezing and weaving my way in and out of the crowd in order to get to the kitchen, which is completely packed.

I push my way through the kitchen and finally make it to the fridge with only a few hits and scratches. Not having been grocery shopping in about a week or so, there is nothing to really eat so I grab a pack of fruit cups and make my way up the stairs. A group of guys that seem to be around the age of twenty through twenty-five surround the door to my room. I try and push past them like I had done eariler but I only get pushed out of the way.

A few of them take double takes at me and let their eyes linger for a little too long making me uncomfortable. "Who invited Babygirl here?" one of the shirtless guys shouts. Everyone around shakes their heads snd turns their attention towards me. "Who brought you here babe? Isn't it a little past your bedtime?" the group break out into a fit of laughter and I can't help but to roll my eyes at their foolishness.

"I'm fifteen dickhead, I dont have a bedtime." he looks back at me with no type of emotion or amusement; just a sad blank stare.

Three of the guys whisper something into each others ears and all attention us back on me.

They begin to walk closer and close to me and I can feel my heart beat speeding up pace. I retrieve the key from my bra and stick it inside the door, hoping and praying that it won't fail me this one time but I know it has when my feet no long touch the ground and my body is thrown over a shoulder. I begin to kick and shout at the person to let me go but they don't.

They take me down through an empty and unfamiliar hall to an empty bedroom that I haden't even known existed. He throws me onto the bed and has one of his friends lock the door.

"So, you're Harrys new girl eh? Lets see how much you've been taught by the king himself."

Authors Note//

I had major writers block while writing this so if it sucks thats my reason why. Also if there are alot of spelling and errors in general, the keyboard on my phone has been acting up lately and it's just a complete mess so I will go in and fix those in a bit. Also thank you soo much for 1.2k within a few days!

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